Add details about sleep API and processing to extracted.rst

Meng Li 2020-06-02 17:06:20 -04:00
parent 53db3fbaac
commit 0860942b30
1 changed files with 40 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -739,9 +739,44 @@ countepisode episodes Number of sleep episodes for ``sleep_t
The `fitbit_with_datetime` rule will extract Summary data (`fitbit_sleep_summary_with_datetime.csv`) Intraday data (`fitbit_sleep_intraday_with_datetime.csv`). There are two versions of Fitbit's sleep API(`version 1`_ and `version 1.2`_), and each provides raw sleep data with different formats.
The differences between both API versions are:
- Sleep level. In `v1`, it is an integer with three possible values {1, 2, 3} while in `v2` it is a string. We convert integer levels of `v1` to strings: "asleep", "restless" or "awake" respectively.
- Count summaries. For Summary data,`v1` contains "count_awake", "duration_awake", "count_awakenings", "count_restless", and "duration_restless" fields in the summary of each sleep record while `version 1.2` does not.
- Types of sleep records. `v1.2` has two types of sleep records: "classic" and "stages". The "classic" type contains three sleep levels: "awake", "restless" and "asleep". The "stages" type contains four sleep levels {"wake", "deep", "light", "rem"}. Sleep records from `v1` will have the same sleep levels as `v1.2` classic types; therefore we set their type to "classic".
- Unified level of sleep. For intraday data, we unify sleep levels of each sleep record with a column named "unified_level". Based on `this Fitbit forum post`_ , we merge levels into two categories:
- For the "classic" type: unified_level is one of {0, 1} where 0 means awake and groups "awake" + "restless", while 1 means asleep and groups "asleep".
- For the "stages" type, unified_level is one of {0, 1} where 0 means awake and groups "wake" while 1 means asleep and groups "deep" + "light" + "rem".
- Short Data. In `v1.2`, records of type "stages" contain "shortData_" in addition to "data". We merge "data" part and "shortData" part to extract intraday data.
- The "data" grouping displays the sleep stages and any wake periods > 3 minutes (180 seconds).
- The "shortData" grouping displays the short wake periods representing physiological awakenings that are <= 3 minutes (180 seconds).
- The following columns of Summary data are not computed by RAPIDS but taken directly from columns with a similar name provided by the API: `efficiency`, `minutes_after_wakeup`, `minutes_asleep`, `minutes_awake`, `minutes_to_fall_asleep`, `minutes_in_bed`, `is_main_sleep` and `type`
- The following columns of Intraday data are not computed by RAPIDS but taken directly from columns with a similar name provided by the API: `original_level`, `is_main_sleep` and `type`. We compute `unified_level` as explained above.
Detailed sleep data is stored in Intraday data every 30 seconds (for "stages" type) or 60 seconds (for "classic" type) while a summary is stored in Summary data. For example:
- Intraday data
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device_id original_level unified_level is_main_sleep type local_date_time local_date local_month local_day local_day_of_week local_time local_hour local_minute local_day_segment
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did wake 0 1 stages 2020-05-20 22:13:30 2020-05-20 5 20 2 22:13:30 22 13 evening
did wake 0 1 stages 2020-05-20 22:14:00 2020-05-20 5 20 2 22:14:00 22 14 evening
did light 1 1 stages 2020-05-20 22:14:30 2020-05-20 5 20 2 22:14:30 22 14 evening
did light 1 1 stages 2020-05-20 22:15:00 2020-05-20 5 20 2 22:15:00 22 15 evening
did light 1 1 stages 2020-05-20 22:15:30 2020-05-20 5 20 2 22:15:30 22 15 evening
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- Summary data
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device_id efficiency minutes_after_wakeup minutes_asleep minutes_awake minutes_to_fall_asleep minutes_in_bed is_main_sleep type local_start_date_time local_end_date_time local_start_date local_end_date local_start_day_segment local_end_day_segment
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did 90 0 381 54 0 435 1 stages 2020-05-20 22:12:00 2020-05-21 05:27:00 2020-05-20 2020-05-21 evening night
did 88 0 498 86 0 584 1 stages 2020-05-22 22:03:00 2020-05-23 07:47:03 2020-05-22 2020-05-23 evening morning
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.. _fitbit-heart-rate-sensor-doc:
@ -928,6 +963,10 @@ Active and sedentary bouts. If the step count per minute is smaller than ``THRES
.. _`Fitbit: Sleep Config Code`:
.. _fitbit_sleep_features:
.. _`version 1`:
.. _`version 1.2`:
.. _`this Fitbit forum post`:
.. _ shortData:
.. _`Fitbit: Heart Rate Config Code`:
.. _fitbit_heartrate_features: