These instructions have been tested on macOS (Catalina and Mojave) and Ubuntu 16.04. If you find a problem, please create a GitHub issue or contact us.
``MY_GROUP`` is a custom label for your credentials. It has to match ``DATABASE_GROUP`` in the ``config.yaml`` file_. It is not related to your database configuration.
#.**Automatically**. You can automatically include all devices that are stored in the ``aware_device`` table. If you want to control what devices and dates are included, see the Manual configuration::
#.**Manually**. Create one file per participant in the ``rapids/data/external/`` directory. The file should NOT have an extension (i.e., no .txt). The name of the file will become the label for that participant in the pipeline.
- The first line of the file should be the Aware ``device_id`` for that participant. If one participant has multiple device_ids (i.e. Aware had to be re-installed), add all device_ids separated by commas.
- The second line should list the device's operating system (``android`` or ``ios``)
- The third line is an optional human-friendly label that will appear in any plots for that participant.
- The fourth line is optional and contains a start and end date separated by a comma ``YYYYMMDD,YYYYMMDD`` (e.g., ``20201301,20202505``). If these dates are specified, only data within this range will be processed, otherwise, all data from the device(s) will be used.
For example, let's say participant `p01` had two AWARE device_ids and they were running Android between February 1st 2020 and March 3rd 2020. Their participant file would be named ``p01`` and contain:
- See :ref:`Minimal Working Example<minimal-working-example>`. The variable ``SENSORS`` in the ``config.yaml`` file_ should match existent sensor tables in your Aware database (See :ref:`rapids-structure` for more information). Each sensor in this list will be processed in RAPIDS.
It is beneficial to list all collected sensors even if you don't plan to include them in a model later on in the pipeline. This is because we use all data available to estimate whether the phone was sensing data or not (i.e. to know if Aware crashed or the battery died). See :ref:`PHONE_VALID_SENSED_DAYS<phone-valid-sensed-days>` for more information.