#. To begin testing RAPIDS place the fake raw input data ``csv`` files in ``tests/data/raw/``. The fake participant files should be placed in ``tests/data/external/``. The expected output files of RAPIDS after processing the input data should be placed in ``tests/data/processesd/``.
#. The Snakemake rule(s) that are to be tested must be placed in the ``tests/Snakemake`` file. The current ``tests/Snakemake`` is a good example of how to define them. (At the time of writing this documentation the snakefile contains rules messages (SMS), calls and screen)
The results above show that the first test ``test_sensors_files_exist`` passed while ``test_sensors_features_calculations`` failed. In addition you should get the traceback of the failure (not shown here). For more information on how to implement test scripts and use unittest please see `Unittest Documentation`_
Testing of the RAPIDS sensors and features is a work-in-progess. Please see :ref:`test-cases` for a list of sensors and features that have testing currently available.
Currently the repository is set up to test a number of senssors out of the box by simply running the ``tests/scripts/run_tests.sh`` command once the RAPIDS python environment is active.