
77 lines
4.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

bin_size <- snakemake@params[["bin_size"]]
timezone <- snakemake@params[["timezone"]]
consecutive_threshold <- snakemake@params[["consecutive_threshold"]]
time_since_valid_location <- snakemake@params[["time_since_valid_location"]]
location_to_used <- snakemake@params[["time_since_valocation_to_usedlid_location"]]
day_segments <- read.csv(snakemake@input[["day_segments"]])
day_segments_type <- snakemake@params[["day_segments_type"]]
phone_sensed_bins <- read_csv(snakemake@input[["phone_sensed_bins"]], col_types = cols(local_date = col_character()))
locations <- read_csv(snakemake@input[["locations"]], col_types = cols()) %>% filter(provider == "fused") %>%
filter(double_latitude != 0 & double_longitude != 0)
locations_to_use <- snakemake@params["locations_to_use"]
if(!locations_to_use %in% c("ALL", "FUSED_RESAMPLED", "GPS")){
print("Unkown location filter, provide one of the following three: ALL, GPS, or FUSED_RESAMPLED")
quit(save = "no", status = 1, runLast = FALSE)
if(locations_to_use == "ALL"){
processed_locations <- locations
} else if(locations_to_use == "GPS"){
processed_locations <- locations %>% filter(provider == "gps")
} else if(locations_to_use == "FUSED_RESAMPLED"){
locations <- locations %>% filter(provider == "fused")
if(nrow(locations) > 0){
sensed_minute_bins <- phone_sensed_bins %>%
pivot_longer(-local_date, names_to = c("hour", "bin"), names_sep = "_", values_to = "sensor_count") %>%
mutate(hour = as.integer(hour), bin = as.integer(bin)) %>%
complete(nesting(local_date, hour), bin = seq(0, 59,1)) %>%
fill(sensor_count) %>%
mutate(timestamp = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste0(local_date, " ", hour,":", bin,":00"), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tz = timezone)) * 1000 ) %>%
filter(sensor_count > 0) %>%
resampled_locations <- locations %>%
select(-assigned_segments) %>%
bind_rows(sensed_minute_bins) %>%
mutate(provider = replace_na(provider, "resampled")) %>%
arrange(timestamp) %>%
# We group and therefore, fill in, missing rows that appear after a valid fused location record and exist
# within consecutive_threshold minutes from each other
mutate(consecutive_time_diff = c(1, diff(timestamp)),
resample_group = cumsum(!is.na(double_longitude) | consecutive_time_diff > (1000 * 60 * consecutive_threshold))) %>%
group_by(resample_group) %>%
# drop rows that are logged after time_since_valid_location minutes from the last valid fused location
filter((timestamp - first(timestamp) < (1000 * 60 * time_since_valid_location))) %>%
fill(-timestamp, -resample_group) %>%
select(-consecutive_time_diff) %>%
drop_na(double_longitude, double_latitude, accuracy) %>%
# Add local date_time
mutate(utc_date_time = as.POSIXct(timestamp/1000, origin="1970-01-01", tz="UTC"),
local_date_time = format(utc_date_time, tz = timezone, usetz = F)) %>%
separate(local_date_time, c("local_date","local_time"), "\\s", remove = FALSE) %>%
separate(local_time, c("local_hour", "local_minute"), ":", remove = FALSE, extra = "drop") %>%
mutate(local_hour = as.numeric(local_hour),
local_minute = as.numeric(local_minute)) %>%
# Delete resampled rows that exist in the same minute as other original (fused) rows
group_by(local_date, local_hour, local_minute) %>%
mutate(n = n()) %>%
filter(n == 1 | (n > 1 & provider == "fused")) %>%
select(-n) %>%
2020-09-14 22:19:42 +02:00
processed_locations <- assign_to_day_segment(resampled_locations, day_segments, day_segments_type)
} else {
processed_locations <- locations
write.csv(processed_locations,snakemake@output[[1]], row.names = F)