|`[CONTAINER]`| Container where your steps intraday data is stored, depending on the data stream you are using this can be a database table, a CSV file, etc. |
|`[EXCLUDE_SLEEP]` | Step data will be excluded if it was logged during sleep periods when at least one `[EXCLUDE]` flag is set to `True`. Sleep can be delimited by (1) a fixed period that repeats on every day if `[TIME_BASED][EXCLUDE]` is True or (2) by Fitbit summary sleep episodes if `[FITBIT_BASED][EXCLUDE]` is True. If both are True (3), we use all Fitbit sleep episodes as well as the time-based episodes that do not overlap with any Fitbit episodes. If `[TIME_BASED][EXCLUDE]` is True, make sure Fitbit sleep summary container points to a valid table or file.
|`[COMPUTE]` | Set to `True` to extract `FITBIT_STEPS_INTRADAY` features from the `RAPIDS` provider|
|`[FEATURES]` | Features to be computed from steps intraday data, see table below |
|`[THRESHOLD_ACTIVE_BOUT]` | Every minute with Fitbit steps data wil be labelled as `sedentary` if its step count is below this threshold, otherwise, `active`. |
1._Active and sedentary bouts_. If the step count per minute is smaller than `THRESHOLD_ACTIVE_BOUT` (default value is 10), that minute is labelled as sedentary, otherwise, is labelled as active. Active and sedentary bouts are periods of consecutive minutes labelled as `active` or `sedentary`.