|`[TABLE][ANDROID]`| Database table where the activity data from Android devices is stored (the AWARE client saves this data on different tables for Android and iOS)
|`[TABLE][IOS]`| Database table where the activity data from iOS devices is stored (the AWARE client saves this data on different tables for Android and iOS)
|`[EPISODE_THRESHOLD_BETWEEN_ROWS]` | Difference in minutes between any two rows for them to be considered part of the same activity episode
|`[COMPUTE]`| Set to `True` to extract `PHONE_ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION` features from the `RAPIDS` provider|
|`[FEATURES]` | Features to be computed, see table below
|`[ACTIVITY_CLASSES][STATIONARY]` | An array of the activity labels to be considered in the `STATIONARY` category choose any of `still`, `tilting`
|`[ACTIVITY_CLASSES][MOBILE]` | An array of the activity labels to be considered in the `MOBILE` category choose any of `on_foot`, `walking`, `running`, `on_bicycle`
|`[ACTIVITY_CLASSES][VEHICLE]` | An array of the activity labels to be considered in the `VEHICLE` category choose any of `in_vehicule`
2. In AWARE, Activity Recognition data for Android and iOS are stored in two different database tables, RAPIDS automatically infers what platform each participant belongs to based on their [participant file](../../setup/configuration/#participant-files).