|`[CONTAINER]`| Data stream [container](../../datastreams/data-streams-introduction/) (database table, CSV file, etc.) where the messages data is stored
|count |messages |Number of messages of type `messages_type` that occurred during a particular `time_segment`.
|distinctcontacts |contacts |Number of distinct contacts that are associated with a particular `messages_type` during a particular `time_segment`.
|timefirstmessages |minutes |Number of minutes between 12:00am (midnight) and the first `message` of a particular `messages_type` during a particular `time_segment`.
|timelastmessages |minutes |Number of minutes between 12:00am (midnight) and the last `message` of a particular `messages_type` during a particular `time_segment`.
|countmostfrequentcontact |messages |Number of messages from the contact with the most messages of `messages_type` during a `time_segment` throughout the whole dataset of each participant.