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library("dplyr", warn.conflicts = F)
unify_ios_calls <- function(ios_calls){
# Androids call types 1=incoming, 2=outgoing, 3=missed
# iOS' call status 1=incoming, 2=connected, 3=dialing, 4=disconnected
# iOS' call types based on call status: (1,2,4)=incoming=1, (3,2,4)=outgoing=2, (1,4) or (3,4)=missed=3
# Sometimes (due to a possible bug in Aware) sequences get logged on the exact same timestamp, thus 3-item sequences can be 2,3,4 or 3,2,4
# Even tho iOS stores the duration of ringing/dialing for missed calls, we set it to 0 to match Android
ios_calls <- ios_calls %>%
arrange(trace, timestamp, call_type) %>%
group_by(trace) %>%
# search for the disconnect event, as it is common to outgoing, received and missed calls
mutate(completed_call = ifelse(call_type == 4, 2, 0),
# assign the same ID to all events before a 4
completed_call = cumsum(c(1, head(completed_call, -1) != tail(completed_call, -1))),
# hack to match ID of last event (4) to that of the previous rows
completed_call = ifelse(call_type == 4, completed_call - 1, completed_call))
# We check utc_date_time and local_date_time exist because sometimes we call this function from
# download_dataset to unify multi-platform participants. At that point such time columns are missing
if("utc_date_time" %in% colnames(ios_calls) && "local_date_time" %in% colnames(ios_calls)){
ios_calls <- ios_calls %>% summarise(call_type_sequence = paste(call_type, collapse = ","), # collapse all events before a 4
# sanity check, timestamp_diff should be equal or close to duration sum
# timestamp_diff = trunc((last(timestamp) - first(timestamp)) / 1000)
# use call_duration = last(call_duration) if you want duration from pick up to hang up
# use call_duration = sum(call_duration) if you want duration from dialing/ringing to hang up
call_duration = last(call_duration),
timestamp = first(timestamp),
utc_date_time = first(utc_date_time),
local_date_time = first(local_date_time),
local_date = first(local_date),
local_time = first(local_time),
local_hour = first(local_hour),
local_minute = first(local_minute),
local_timezone = first(local_timezone),
assigned_segments = first(assigned_segments))
else {
ios_calls <- ios_calls %>% summarise(call_type_sequence = paste(call_type, collapse = ","), call_duration = sum(as.numeric(call_duration)), timestamp = first(timestamp), device_id = first(device_id))
ios_calls <- ios_calls %>% mutate(call_type = case_when(
call_type_sequence == "1,2,4" | call_type_sequence == "2,1,4" ~ 1, # incoming
call_type_sequence == "1,4" ~ 3, # missed
call_type_sequence == "3,2,4" | call_type_sequence == "2,3,4" ~ 2, # outgoing
call_type_sequence == "3,4" ~ 4, # outgoing missed, we create this temp missed state to assign a duration of 0 below
TRUE ~ -1), # other, call sequences without a disconnect (4) event are discarded
# assign a duration of 0 to incoming and outgoing missed calls
call_duration = ifelse(call_type == 3 | call_type == 4, 0, call_duration),
# get rid of the temp missed call type, set to 2 to match Android. See https://github.com/carissalow/rapids/issues/79
call_type = ifelse(call_type == 4, 2, call_type)
) %>%
# discard sequences without an event 4 (disconnect)
filter(call_type > 0) %>%
ungroup() %>%
ios_calls <- select(ios_calls, -call_type_sequence)
main <- function(data, stream_parameters){