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2020-10-30 20:48:05 +01:00
site_name: RAPIDS
2021-03-29 16:46:35 +02:00
site_url: https://www.rapids.science/
2020-10-30 20:48:05 +01:00
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2020-11-06 01:43:33 +01:00
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2020-10-30 20:48:05 +01:00
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2020-10-30 20:48:05 +01:00
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2020-10-30 20:48:05 +01:00
2020-11-08 21:48:06 +01:00
2021-03-29 16:46:35 +02:00
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2020-10-30 20:48:05 +01:00
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2021-05-10 21:48:14 +02:00
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2020-11-06 01:43:33 +01:00
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- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@3/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js
2020-10-30 20:48:05 +01:00
repo_name: 'carissalow/rapids'
repo_url: 'https://github.com/carissalow/rapids'
copyright: 'Released under AGPL'
name: material
2021-03-14 21:13:18 +01:00
custom_dir: docs/overrides
2021-02-21 23:30:30 +01:00
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2020-11-08 21:08:46 +01:00
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2020-11-08 21:08:46 +01:00
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- stylesheets/extra.css
2020-10-30 20:48:05 +01:00
- Home: 'index.md'
2021-05-10 21:48:14 +02:00
- Overview: setup/overview.md
- Minimal Example: analysis/minimal.md
2021-05-10 21:48:14 +02:00
- Citation: citation.md
- Contributing: contributing.md
2020-10-30 20:48:05 +01:00
- Setup:
- Installation: 'setup/installation.md'
2020-12-02 23:27:05 +01:00
- Configuration: setup/configuration.md
2020-11-04 19:27:58 +01:00
- Execution: setup/execution.md
- Data Streams:
- Introduction: datastreams/data-streams-introduction.md
- Phone:
- aware_mysql: datastreams/aware-mysql.md
- aware_micro_mysql: datastreams/aware-micro-mysql.md
2021-03-12 01:32:11 +01:00
- aware_csv: datastreams/aware-csv.md
2021-03-14 18:33:43 +01:00
- aware_influxdb (beta): datastreams/aware-influxdb.md
- Mandatory Phone Format: datastreams/mandatory-phone-format.md
- Fitbit:
- fitbitjson_mysql: datastreams/fitbitjson-mysql.md
- fitbitjson_csv: datastreams/fitbitjson-csv.md
2021-03-11 19:23:56 +01:00
- fitbitparsed_mysql: datastreams/fitbitparsed-mysql.md
- fitbitparsed_csv: datastreams/fitbitparsed-csv.md
2021-03-06 02:40:46 +01:00
- Mandatory Fitbit Format: datastreams/mandatory-fitbit-format.md
2021-03-11 19:23:56 +01:00
- Empatica:
- empatica_zip: datastreams/empatica-zip.md
- Mandatory Empatica Format: datastreams/mandatory-empatica-format.md
- Add New Data Streams: datastreams/add-new-data-streams.md
- Behavioral Features:
- Introduction: features/feature-introduction.md
- Phone:
2020-11-06 01:43:33 +01:00
- Phone Accelerometer: features/phone-accelerometer.md
2020-11-06 02:56:11 +01:00
- Phone Activity Recognition: features/phone-activity-recognition.md
- Phone Applications Crashes: features/phone-applications-crashes.md
2020-11-06 01:43:33 +01:00
- Phone Applications Foreground: features/phone-applications-foreground.md
- Phone Applications Notifications: features/phone-applications-notifications.md
2020-11-06 02:42:56 +01:00
- Phone Battery: features/phone-battery.md
2020-11-06 02:56:11 +01:00
- Phone Bluetooth: features/phone-bluetooth.md
- Phone Calls: features/phone-calls.md
2020-11-06 22:49:17 +01:00
- Phone Conversation: features/phone-conversation.md
- Phone Data Yield: features/phone-data-yield.md
- Phone Keyboard: features/phone-keyboard.md
2020-11-06 02:56:11 +01:00
- Phone Light: features/phone-light.md
2020-11-06 19:03:32 +01:00
- Phone Locations: features/phone-locations.md
- Phone Log: features/phone-log.md
2020-11-06 02:56:11 +01:00
- Phone Messages: features/phone-messages.md
2020-11-06 22:37:38 +01:00
- Phone Screen: features/phone-screen.md
2020-11-06 02:56:11 +01:00
- Phone WiFI Connected: features/phone-wifi-connected.md
- Phone WiFI Visible: features/phone-wifi-visible.md
2020-11-19 18:30:16 +01:00
- Fitbit:
2021-04-17 00:02:43 +02:00
- Fitbit Calories Intraday: features/fitbit-calories-intraday.md
- Fitbit Data Yield: features/fitbit-data-yield.md
2020-11-19 18:30:16 +01:00
- Fitbit Heart Rate Summary: features/fitbit-heartrate-summary.md
- Fitbit Heart Rate Intraday: features/fitbit-heartrate-intraday.md
2020-11-23 22:52:23 +01:00
- Fitbit Sleep Summary: features/fitbit-sleep-summary.md
- Fitbit Sleep Intraday: features/fitbit-sleep-intraday.md
2020-11-19 18:30:16 +01:00
- Fitbit Steps Summary: features/fitbit-steps-summary.md
- Fitbit Steps Intraday: features/fitbit-steps-intraday.md
2021-02-21 23:30:30 +01:00
- Empatica:
- Empatica Accelerometer: features/empatica-accelerometer.md
- Empatica Heart Rate: features/empatica-heartrate.md
- Empatica Temperature: features/empatica-temperature.md
- Empatica Electrodermal Activity: features/empatica-electrodermal-activity.md
- Empatica Blood Volume Pulse: features/empatica-blood-volume-pulse.md
- Empatica Inter Beat Interval: features/empatica-inter-beat-interval.md
- Empatica Tags: features/empatica-tags.md
2020-11-07 23:57:59 +01:00
- Add New Features: features/add-new-features.md
2020-12-04 22:19:25 +01:00
- Visualizations:
- Data Quality: visualizations/data-quality-visualizations.md
- Features: visualizations/feature-visualizations.md
- Analysis:
- Data Cleaning: analysis/data-cleaning.md
- Complete Workflow Example: analysis/complete-workflow-example.md
- Developers:
- Git Flow: developers/git-flow.md
- Remote Support: developers/remote-support.md
- Virtual Environments: developers/virtual-environments.md
2020-11-07 23:57:59 +01:00
- Documentation: developers/documentation.md
2020-11-07 00:06:01 +01:00
- Testing: developers/testing.md
- Test cases: developers/test-cases.md
- Validation schema of config.yaml: developers/validation-schema-config.md
2020-11-08 21:08:46 +01:00
- Others:
- Migrating from an old version: migrating-from-old-versions.md
2020-11-30 19:51:05 +01:00
- Code of Conduct: code_of_conduct.md
2021-03-12 23:26:47 +01:00
- Common Errors: common-errors.md
2020-11-08 21:08:46 +01:00
- Team: team.md
2020-12-04 22:21:22 +01:00
- Change Log: change-log.md