90 lines
2.5 KiB
90 lines
2.5 KiB
from config import CONFIG
from flask import (
Blueprint, g, session
from auth import login_required
from create_db import Card, User, get_session, get_engine
from numpy.random import choice
bp = Blueprint('deck', __name__)
@bp.route('/deck', methods=['GET'])
def get_collection(user_id):
Session = get_session()
with Session() as dbsession:
c = dbsession.query(Card).filter(Card.owner_id == user_id).all()
return c
#2 Probabilistic
## problem je, da pri probabilističnem težko nardiš, da pač en dan ni nič v decku, ker pač vedno izbere glede določeno število pač glede na uteži
# to bi bilo dobro narediti direkt iz baze, ne pa da cel collection spremenimo v ta list ob card.objects TODO
def generate_weights(user_clltn):
"""generiramo uteži za due in new cards posebej; vrne tuple dveh listov za weightse..."""
weights_due = []
weights_new = []
for card in user_clltn:
due = card.interest_rate
if due > 0:
#če se odločimo, da izločimo iteme jih bo tu ignoriralo, če bo ir 0.
return weights_new, weights_due
def probabilistic_deck_generator(user_id, max_new, max_due):
c = get_collection(user_id)
deck, dck_due, dck_new, due_cards = [], [], [], 0
w_new, w_due = generate_weights(c)
#treba je sestet non zero weights
new_cards = sum(w_new)
for w in w_due:
if w > 0:
due_cards += 1
#preverimo, če imamo dovolj kartic
if new_cards<max_new:
max_new = new_cards
if due_cards<max_due:
max_due = due_cards
sum_w_new = sum(w_new)
sum_w_due = sum(w_due)
if due_cards:
dck_due = list(choice(c, size=max_due, replace=False, p=list(map(lambda x: x/sum_w_due, w_due)))) #garancija, da ni ponovitev
if new_cards:
dck_new = list(choice(c, size=max_new, replace=False, p=list(map(lambda x: x/sum_w_new, w_new))))
deck = dck_due + dck_new
return deck
def get_deck(deck):
"""naredimo string iz cardov"""
cards_by_id = ""
for card in deck:
cards_by_id += str(card.id) + ","
cards_by_id = cards_by_id[:-1]
return cards_by_id
# config za max_new in max_due