import requests import re from flask import render_template from urllib.parse import urlparse def check_link(link): parsed_url = urlparse(link) if parsed_url.scheme and parsed_url.netloc: return 1 else: print("link not valid (https:// missing??)") return -1 def check_response(link): """ responds 1 if link is ok 2 if there's conncetion error 3 if link is invalid (no "http" for example) """ try: response = requests.head(link) if response.status_code == 200: return 1 else: #TODO drugi statusi code? #return "WEIRD", response #TODO samo za testiranje return f"Error: {response.status_code}" except Exception as e: print(e) return f"Link error: {e}" # kako vse možne linke embeddat? def render_embed_link(cm_username, card, maybe_in, no_in): url = card.item_location response = check_response(url) if response != 1: render_template("embed_link/bad_link.html", card=card, username=cm_username, maybe_in=maybe_in, no_in=no_in) if re.match(r'^https?://(www\.)?twitter\.com/.*/status/\d+$', url): tweet_id = url.split("/")[-1] return render_template("embed_link/twitter_embed.html", card=card, tweet_id=tweet_id, username=cm_username, maybe_in=maybe_in, no_in=no_in) elif re.match(r'^https?://(www\.)?youtube\.com/watch\?.*v=([-\w]+)', url): youtube_id ='v=([-\w]+)', url).group(1) return render_template("embed_link/youtube_embed.html", youtube_id=youtube_id, card=card, username=cm_username, maybe_in=maybe_in, no_in=no_in) #TODO kill me wtf about the instances......... elif re.match(r'^https?://(www\.)?mastodon\.social/@[a-zA-Z0-9]+/\d+', url): username, post_id = url.split("/")[-3:-1] return render_template("embed_link/mastodon_embed.html", username=username, post_id=post_id) else: #TODO what if iframe fails return render_template("embed_link/iframe_embed.html", url=url, card=card, username=cm_username, maybe_in=maybe_in, no_in=no_in)