collecting all functionality related to this in one file

Kostanjevec 2022-08-16 10:41:56 +02:00
parent 439a53dc7c
commit e5c44b8714
1 changed files with 76 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ from share import share
""" """
Refactoring the 'deck' function from Refactoring the 'deck' function from
rabi še deck funkcionalnosti, ki so bile prej v itd...
""" """
def prob_session(): def prob_session():
dbsession = get_session() dbsession = get_session()
if not 'user_id' in session: if not 'user_id' in session:
@ -92,3 +95,76 @@ def prob_session():
# Prikaži obrazec # Prikaži obrazec
return render_template("deck.html", username=username, card=show_card) return render_template("deck.html", username=username, card=show_card)
Old menu function
def index():
deck_status = []
dbsession = get_session()
if 'user_id' not in session:
return login()
if 'user_id' in session:
user_id = session['user_id']
username = session['username']
old_deck = dbsession.query(Deck).filter(Deck.completed == 0, Deck.owner_id == user_id).all()
if old_deck != []:
deck_status = "old"
if request.method == "POST":
action = request.form.get("menu", False) #internetna rešitev, nevem kako, ampak dela, tj. dobi info iz meni buttonov
if action == "new_session":
old_deck = dbsession.query(Deck).filter(Deck.completed == 0, Deck.owner_id == user_id).all()
if old_deck != []:
return redirect(url_for("deck"))
#preverimo če so sploh karte v collectionu
print("userID", user_id)
c = dbsession.query(Card).filter(Card.owner_id == user_id).all()
if c == []:
print("ne najdem collectiona")
return render_template("error/no_cards_in_collection.html", username=username)
#ustvari novi vnos v Deck
user_settings = get_settings(user_id)
if user_settings['max_new'] == "0" and user_settings['max_due'] == "0":
flash("Error: Attempted to make deck with 0 cards.")
return render_template("menu.html")
deck = probabilistic_deck_generator(user_id, int(user_settings['max_new']), int(user_settings['max_due']))
cards_by_id = get_deck(deck)
if cards_by_id == "":
return render_template("error/no_cards_in_collection.html", username=username)
number_of_cards = len(cards_by_id.split(","))
print(cards_by_id, number_of_cards)
deck = Deck(cards_by_id=cards_by_id, owner_id=user_id, number_of_cards=number_of_cards, current_card=0, completed=False)
return redirect(url_for("deck"))
elif action == "matches":
return redirect(url_for("matches.index"))
elif action == "upload":
return redirect(url_for("upload.index"))
elif action == "settings":
settings = get_settings(user_id)
return render_template("settings.html", username=username, user_id=user_id, settings=settings)
elif action == "instructions":
return render_template("instructions.html", username=username, user_id=user_id)
# elif action == "about":
# return render_template("about.html", username=username, user_id=user_id)
return render_template("menu.html", username=username, deck_status=deck_status)