A very minimal theme for [Pico CMS](https://www.picocms.org), designed to help simple blogs. ## Installation For Pico CMS > 2.0: * Download or clone the code and upload it to `themes/femto`. * Edit `config/config.yml`, so it contains ``` theme: femto ``` * That's it! ## Demo * You can find a live demo at ## Usage ### Structure For things like Impressum just create a file `/impressum.md`. Blog content goes into subfolders, either a single folder, e.g. `/blog/` or one folder per topic. Make sure every folder has an `index.md` with **optional** content (the theme will automagically display all posts as links). So your folder structure may look like: ``` /index.md /impressum.md /blog/index.md /blog/my_latest_craze.md /blog/a_fancy_idea.md /blog/my_first_post_sigh.md ... ``` or ``` /index.md /impressum.md /ideas/index.md /ideas/my_latest_craze.md /ideas/a_fancy_idea.md /ideas/my_first_post_sigh.md /notsobrilliant/index.md /notsobrilliant/don_t_do_this.md ... ``` Content in a folder called `archive` will not be listed on the front page. ### Ordering first level pages By default, the pages on the first level appear in alphabetical order in your navigation. If you wanted to change that behaviour you need to edit `config/config.yml` so it contains these lines: ``` pages_order_by_meta: order pages_order_by: meta ``` Now you can add an `Order: NUMERICALVALUE` to each YAML-Header on your first level pages, *e.g.*: ``` /* Title: Archive Author: AUTHOR Date: 19 September 2019 Order: 3 */ Old stuff ```