/** * This is a Drupal-optimized build of CKEditor. * * To re-create this build: * 1. Clone the development repo of CKEditor to your machine * 2. Check out the version you'd like to build * 3. Copy PATH/TO/DRUPAL/core/assets/vendor/ckeditor/build-config.js ./dev/builder/ * 4. Run ./dev/builder/build.sh -s * * Then, replace this directory (core/assets/vendor/ckeditor) with your build. * * Also: Remember to update core/core.libraries.yml if you are doing an update of the version of CKEditor for Drupal * Core. * * If you are developing or debugging CKEditor plugins, you may want to work * against an unoptimized (unminified) CKEditor build. To do so, * run the build command with the --leave-js-unminified flag. * * NOTE: * This file is not used by CKEditor, you may remove it. * Changing this file will not change your CKEditor configuration. */ /* exported CKBUILDER_CONFIG */ var CKBUILDER_CONFIG = { skin: 'moono-lisa', ignore: [ // CKEditor repository structure: unrelated to the usage of CKEditor itself. 'bender.js', 'bender.ci.js', '.bender', 'bender-err.log', 'bender-out.log', 'bender-runner.config.json', '.travis.yml', 'dev', 'docs', '.DS_Store', '.editorconfig', '.gitignore', '.gitattributes', '.github', 'gruntfile.js', '.idea', '.jscsrc', '.jshintignore', '.jshintrc', 'less', '.mailmap', 'node_modules', '.nvmrc', 'package.json', 'README.md', 'tests', // Parts of CKEditor that we consciously don't ship with Drupal. 'adapters', 'config.js', 'contents.css', 'styles.js', 'samples', 'skins/moono-lisa/readme.md' ], plugins: { a11yhelp: 1, about: 1, autogrow: 1, basicstyles: 1, blockquote: 1, clipboard: 1, contextmenu: 1, elementspath: 1, enterkey: 1, entities: 1, filebrowser: 1, floatingspace: 1, format: 1, horizontalrule: 1, htmlwriter: 1, image2: 1, indent: 1, indentlist: 1, justify: 1, language: 1, list: 1, magicline: 1, maximize: 1, pastefromgdocs: 1, pastefromlibreoffice: 1, pastefromword: 1, pastetext: 1, removeformat: 1, sharedspace: 1, showblocks: 1, showborders: 1, sourcearea: 1, sourcedialog: 1, specialchar: 1, stylescombo: 1, tab: 1, table: 1, tableresize: 1, tabletools: 1, toolbar: 1, undo: 1, widget: 1, wysiwygarea: 1 } };