"use strict"; /* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Meetecho Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // List of sessions Janus.sessions = {}; Janus.isExtensionEnabled = function() { if(navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia) { // No need for the extension, getDisplayMedia is supported return true; } if(window.navigator.userAgent.match('Chrome')) { let chromever = parseInt(window.navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(.*) /)[1], 10); let maxver = 33; if(window.navigator.userAgent.match('Linux')) maxver = 35; // "known" crash in chrome 34 and 35 on linux if(chromever >= 26 && chromever <= maxver) { // Older versions of Chrome don't support this extension-based approach, so lie return true; } return Janus.extension.isInstalled(); } else { // Firefox and others, no need for the extension (but this doesn't mean it will work) return true; } }; var defaultExtension = { // Screensharing Chrome Extension ID extensionId: 'hapfgfdkleiggjjpfpenajgdnfckjpaj', isInstalled: function() { return document.querySelector('#janus-extension-installed') !== null; }, getScreen: function (callback) { let pending = window.setTimeout(function () { let error = new Error('NavigatorUserMediaError'); error.name = 'The required Chrome extension is not installed: click here to install it. (NOTE: this will need you to refresh the page)'; return callback(error); }, 1000); this.cache[pending] = callback; window.postMessage({ type: 'janusGetScreen', id: pending }, '*'); }, init: function () { let cache = {}; this.cache = cache; // Wait for events from the Chrome Extension window.addEventListener('message', function (event) { if(event.origin != window.location.origin) return; if(event.data.type == 'janusGotScreen' && cache[event.data.id]) { let callback = cache[event.data.id]; delete cache[event.data.id]; if(event.data.sourceId === '') { // user canceled let error = new Error('NavigatorUserMediaError'); error.name = 'You cancelled the request for permission, giving up...'; callback(error); } else { callback(null, event.data.sourceId); } } else if(event.data.type == 'janusGetScreenPending') { console.log('clearing ', event.data.id); window.clearTimeout(event.data.id); } }); } }; Janus.useDefaultDependencies = function (deps) { let f = (deps && deps.fetch) || fetch; let p = (deps && deps.Promise) || Promise; let socketCls = (deps && deps.WebSocket) || WebSocket; return { newWebSocket: function(server, proto) { return new socketCls(server, proto); }, extension: (deps && deps.extension) || defaultExtension, isArray: function(arr) { return Array.isArray(arr); }, webRTCAdapter: (deps && deps.adapter) || adapter, httpAPICall: function(url, options) { let fetchOptions = { method: options.verb, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*' }, cache: 'no-cache' }; if(options.verb === "POST") { fetchOptions.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; } if(typeof options.withCredentials !== 'undefined') { fetchOptions.credentials = options.withCredentials === true ? 'include' : (options.withCredentials ? options.withCredentials : 'omit'); } if(options.body) { fetchOptions.body = JSON.stringify(options.body); } let fetching = f(url, fetchOptions).catch(function(error) { return p.reject({message: 'Probably a network error, is the server down?', error: error}); }); /* * fetch() does not natively support timeouts. * Work around this by starting a timeout manually, and racing it agains the fetch() to see which thing resolves first. */ if(options.timeout) { let timeout = new p(function(resolve, reject) { let timerId = setTimeout(function() { clearTimeout(timerId); return reject({message: 'Request timed out', timeout: options.timeout}); }, options.timeout); }); fetching = p.race([fetching, timeout]); } fetching.then(function(response) { if(response.ok) { if(typeof(options.success) === typeof(Janus.noop)) { return response.json().then(function(parsed) { try { options.success(parsed); } catch(error) { Janus.error('Unhandled httpAPICall success callback error', error); } }, function(error) { return p.reject({message: 'Failed to parse response body', error: error, response: response}); }); } } else { return p.reject({message: 'API call failed', response: response}); } }).catch(function(error) { if(typeof(options.error) === typeof(Janus.noop)) { options.error(error.message || '<< internal error >>', error); } }); return fetching; } } }; Janus.useOldDependencies = function (deps) { let jq = (deps && deps.jQuery) || jQuery; let socketCls = (deps && deps.WebSocket) || WebSocket; return { newWebSocket: function(server, proto) { return new socketCls(server, proto); }, isArray: function(arr) { return jq.isArray(arr); }, extension: (deps && deps.extension) || defaultExtension, webRTCAdapter: (deps && deps.adapter) || adapter, httpAPICall: function(url, options) { let payload = (typeof options.body !== 'undefined') ? { contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify(options.body) } : {}; let credentials = (typeof options.withCredentials !== 'undefined') ? {xhrFields: {withCredentials: options.withCredentials}} : {}; return jq.ajax(jq.extend(payload, credentials, { url: url, type: options.verb, cache: false, dataType: 'json', async: options.async, timeout: options.timeout, success: function(result) { if(typeof(options.success) === typeof(Janus.noop)) { options.success(result); } }, error: function(xhr, status, err) { if(typeof(options.error) === typeof(Janus.noop)) { options.error(status, err); } } })); } }; }; // Helper function to convert a deprecated media object to a tracks array Janus.mediaToTracks = function(media) { let tracks = []; if(!media) { // Default is bidirectional audio and video, using default devices tracks.push({ type: 'audio', capture: true, recv: true }); tracks.push({ type: 'video', capture: true, recv: true }); } else { if(!media.keepAudio && media.audio !== false && ((typeof media.audio === 'undefined') || media.audio || media.audioSend || media.audioRecv || media.addAudio || media.replaceAudio || media.removeAudio)) { // We may need an audio track let track = { type: 'audio' }; if(media.removeAudio) { track.remove = true; } else { if(media.addAudio) track.add = true; else if(media.replaceAudio) track.replace = true; // Check if we need to capture an audio device if(media.audioSend !== false) track.capture = media.audio || true; // Check if we need to receive audio if(media.audioRecv !== false) track.recv = true; } // Add an audio track if needed if(track.remove || track.capture || track.recv) tracks.push(track); } if(!media.keepVideo && media.video !== false && ((typeof media.video === 'undefined') || media.video || media.videoSend || media.videoRecv || media.addVideo || media.replaceVideo || media.removeVideo)) { // We may need a video track let track = { type: 'video' }; if(media.removeVideo) { track.remove = true; } else { if(media.addVideo) track.add = true; else if(media.replaceVideo) track.replace = true; // Check if we need to capture a video device if(media.videoSend !== false) { track.capture = media.video || true; if(['screen', 'window', 'desktop'].includes(track.capture)) { // Change the type to 'screen' track.type = 'screen'; track.capture = { video: {} }; // Check if there's constraints if(media.screenshareFrameRate) track.capture.frameRate = media.screenshareFrameRate; if(media.screenshareHeight) track.capture.height = media.screenshareHeight; if(media.screenshareWidth) track.capture.width = media.screenshareWidth; } } // Check if we need to receive video if(media.videoRecv !== false) track.recv = true; } // Add a video track if needed if(track.remove || track.capture || track.recv) tracks.push(track); } if(media.data) { // We need a data channel tracks.push({ type: 'data' }); } } // Done return tracks; }; // Helper function to convert a track object to a set of constraints Janus.trackConstraints = function(track) { let constraints = {}; if(!track || !track.capture) return constraints; if(track.type === 'audio') { // Just put the capture part in the constraints constraints.audio = track.capture; } else if(track.type === 'video') { // Check if one of the keywords was passed if((track.simulcast || track.svc) && track.capture === true) track.capture = 'hires'; if(track.capture === true || typeof track.capture === 'object') { // Use the provided capture object as video constraint constraints.video = track.capture; } else { let width = 0; let height = 0; if(track.capture === 'lowres') { // Small resolution, 4:3 width = 320; height = 240; } else if(track.capture === 'lowres-16:9') { // Small resolution, 16:9 width = 320; height = 180; } else if(track.capture === 'hires' || track.capture === 'hires-16:9' || track.capture === 'hdres') { // High(HD) resolution is only 16:9 width = 1280; height = 720; } else if(track.capture === 'fhdres') { // Full HD resolution is only 16:9 width = 1920; height = 1080; } else if(track.capture === '4kres') { // 4K resolution is only 16:9 width = 3840; height = 2160; } else if(track.capture === 'stdres') { // Normal resolution, 4:3 width = 640; height = 480; } else if(track.capture === 'stdres-16:9') { // Normal resolution, 16:9 width = 640; height = 360; } else { Janus.log('Default video setting is stdres 4:3'); width = 640; height = 480; } constraints.video = { width: { ideal: width }, height: { ideal: height } }; } } else if(track.type === 'screen') { // Use the provided capture object as video constraint constraints.video = track.capture; } return constraints; }; Janus.noop = function() {}; Janus.dataChanDefaultLabel = "JanusDataChannel"; // Note: in the future we may want to change this, e.g., as was // attempted in https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway/issues/1670 Janus.endOfCandidates = null; // Stop all tracks from a given stream Janus.stopAllTracks = function(stream) { try { // Try a MediaStreamTrack.stop() for each track let tracks = stream.getTracks(); for(let mst of tracks) { Janus.log(mst); if(mst && mst.dontStop !== true) { mst.stop(); } } } catch(e) { // Do nothing if this fails } } // Initialization Janus.init = function(options) { options = options || {}; options.callback = (typeof options.callback == "function") ? options.callback : Janus.noop; if(Janus.initDone) { // Already initialized options.callback(); } else { if(typeof console.log == "undefined") { console.log = function() {}; } // Console logging (all debugging disabled by default) Janus.trace = Janus.noop; Janus.debug = Janus.noop; Janus.vdebug = Janus.noop; Janus.log = Janus.noop; Janus.warn = Janus.noop; Janus.error = Janus.noop; if(options.debug === true || options.debug === "all") { // Enable all debugging levels Janus.trace = console.trace.bind(console); Janus.debug = console.debug.bind(console); Janus.vdebug = console.debug.bind(console); Janus.log = console.log.bind(console); Janus.warn = console.warn.bind(console); Janus.error = console.error.bind(console); } else if(Array.isArray(options.debug)) { for(let d of options.debug) { switch(d) { case "trace": Janus.trace = console.trace.bind(console); break; case "debug": Janus.debug = console.debug.bind(console); break; case "vdebug": Janus.vdebug = console.debug.bind(console); break; case "log": Janus.log = console.log.bind(console); break; case "warn": Janus.warn = console.warn.bind(console); break; case "error": Janus.error = console.error.bind(console); break; default: console.error("Unknown debugging option '" + d + "' (supported: 'trace', 'debug', 'vdebug', 'log', warn', 'error')"); break; } } } Janus.log("Initializing library"); let usedDependencies = options.dependencies || Janus.useDefaultDependencies(); Janus.isArray = usedDependencies.isArray; Janus.webRTCAdapter = usedDependencies.webRTCAdapter; Janus.httpAPICall = usedDependencies.httpAPICall; Janus.newWebSocket = usedDependencies.newWebSocket; Janus.extension = usedDependencies.extension; Janus.extension.init(); // Helper method to enumerate devices Janus.listDevices = function(callback, config) { callback = (typeof callback == "function") ? callback : Janus.noop; if(!config) config = { audio: true, video: true }; if(Janus.isGetUserMediaAvailable()) { navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(config) .then(function(stream) { navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(function(devices) { Janus.debug(devices); callback(devices); // Get rid of the now useless stream Janus.stopAllTracks(stream) }); }) .catch(function(err) { Janus.error(err); callback([]); }); } else { Janus.warn("navigator.mediaDevices unavailable"); callback([]); } }; // Helper methods to attach/reattach a stream to a video element (previously part of adapter.js) Janus.attachMediaStream = function(element, stream) { try { element.srcObject = stream; } catch (e) { try { element.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream); } catch (e) { Janus.error("Error attaching stream to element", e); } } }; Janus.reattachMediaStream = function(to, from) { try { to.srcObject = from.srcObject; } catch (e) { try { to.src = from.src; } catch (e) { Janus.error("Error reattaching stream to element", e); } } }; // Detect tab close: make sure we don't loose existing onbeforeunload handlers // (note: for iOS we need to subscribe to a different event, 'pagehide', see // https://gist.github.com/thehunmonkgroup/6bee8941a49b86be31a787fe8f4b8cfe) let iOS = ['iPad', 'iPhone', 'iPod'].indexOf(navigator.platform) >= 0; let eventName = iOS ? 'pagehide' : 'beforeunload'; let oldOBF = window["on" + eventName]; window.addEventListener(eventName, function() { Janus.log("Closing window"); for(let s in Janus.sessions) { if(Janus.sessions[s] && Janus.sessions[s].destroyOnUnload) { Janus.log("Destroying session " + s); Janus.sessions[s].destroy({unload: true, notifyDestroyed: false}); } } if(oldOBF && typeof oldOBF == "function") { oldOBF(); } }); // If this is a Safari Technology Preview, check if VP8 is supported Janus.safariVp8 = false; if(Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === 'safari' && Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.version >= 605) { // Let's see if RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities() is there if(RTCRtpSender && RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities && RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities("video") && RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities("video").codecs && RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities("video").codecs.length) { for(let codec of RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities("video").codecs) { if(codec && codec.mimeType && codec.mimeType.toLowerCase() === "video/vp8") { Janus.safariVp8 = true; break; } } if(Janus.safariVp8) { Janus.log("This version of Safari supports VP8"); } else { Janus.warn("This version of Safari does NOT support VP8: if you're using a Technology Preview, " + "try enabling the 'WebRTC VP8 codec' setting in the 'Experimental Features' Develop menu"); } } else { // We do it in a very ugly way, as there's no alternative... // We create a PeerConnection to see if VP8 is in an offer let testpc = new RTCPeerConnection({}); testpc.createOffer({offerToReceiveVideo: true}).then(function(offer) { Janus.safariVp8 = offer.sdp.indexOf("VP8") !== -1; if(Janus.safariVp8) { Janus.log("This version of Safari supports VP8"); } else { Janus.warn("This version of Safari does NOT support VP8: if you're using a Technology Preview, " + "try enabling the 'WebRTC VP8 codec' setting in the 'Experimental Features' Develop menu"); } testpc.close(); testpc = null; }); } } Janus.initDone = true; options.callback(); } }; // Helper method to check whether WebRTC is supported by this browser Janus.isWebrtcSupported = function() { return !!window.RTCPeerConnection; }; // Helper method to check whether devices can be accessed by this browser (e.g., not possible via plain HTTP) Janus.isGetUserMediaAvailable = function() { return navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia; }; // Helper method to create random identifiers (e.g., transaction) Janus.randomString = function(len) { let charSet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; let randomString = ''; for(let i=0; i 3) { // Did we just lose the server? :-( connected = false; gatewayCallbacks.error("Lost connection to the server (is it down?)"); return; } eventHandler(); } }); } // Private event handler: this will trigger plugin callbacks, if set function handleEvent(json, skipTimeout) { retries = 0; if(!websockets && typeof sessionId !== 'undefined' && sessionId !== null && skipTimeout !== true) eventHandler(); if(!websockets && Janus.isArray(json)) { // We got an array: it means we passed a maxev > 1, iterate on all objects for(let i=0; i data channel: ' + dcState); if(dcState === 'open') { // Any pending messages to send? if(config.dataChannel[label].pending && config.dataChannel[label].pending.length > 0) { Janus.log("Sending pending messages on <" + label + ">:", config.dataChannel[label].pending.length); for(let data of config.dataChannel[label].pending) { Janus.log("Sending data on data channel <" + label + ">"); Janus.debug(data); config.dataChannel[label].send(data); } config.dataChannel[label].pending = []; } // Notify the open data channel pluginHandle.ondataopen(label, protocol); } }; let onDataChannelError = function(error) { Janus.error('Got error on data channel:', error); // TODO }; if(!incoming) { // FIXME Add options (ordered, maxRetransmits, etc.) let dcoptions = config.dataChannelOptions; if(dcprotocol) dcoptions.protocol = dcprotocol; config.dataChannel[dclabel] = config.pc.createDataChannel(dclabel, dcoptions); } else { // The channel was created by Janus config.dataChannel[dclabel] = incoming; } config.dataChannel[dclabel].onmessage = onDataChannelMessage; config.dataChannel[dclabel].onopen = onDataChannelStateChange; config.dataChannel[dclabel].onclose = onDataChannelStateChange; config.dataChannel[dclabel].onerror = onDataChannelError; config.dataChannel[dclabel].pending = []; if(pendingData) config.dataChannel[dclabel].pending.push(pendingData); } // Private method to send a data channel message function sendData(handleId, callbacks) { callbacks = callbacks || {}; callbacks.success = (typeof callbacks.success == "function") ? callbacks.success : Janus.noop; callbacks.error = (typeof callbacks.error == "function") ? callbacks.error : Janus.noop; let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn("Invalid handle"); callbacks.error("Invalid handle"); return; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; let data = callbacks.text || callbacks.data; if(!data) { Janus.warn("Invalid data"); callbacks.error("Invalid data"); return; } let label = callbacks.label ? callbacks.label : Janus.dataChanDefaultLabel; if(!config.dataChannel[label]) { // Create new data channel and wait for it to open createDataChannel(handleId, label, callbacks.protocol, false, data, callbacks.protocol); callbacks.success(); return; } if(config.dataChannel[label].readyState !== "open") { config.dataChannel[label].pending.push(data); callbacks.success(); return; } Janus.log("Sending data on data channel <" + label + ">"); Janus.debug(data); config.dataChannel[label].send(data); callbacks.success(); } // Private method to send a DTMF tone function sendDtmf(handleId, callbacks) { callbacks = callbacks || {}; callbacks.success = (typeof callbacks.success == "function") ? callbacks.success : Janus.noop; callbacks.error = (typeof callbacks.error == "function") ? callbacks.error : Janus.noop; let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn("Invalid handle"); callbacks.error("Invalid handle"); return; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; if(!config.dtmfSender) { // Create the DTMF sender the proper way, if possible if(config.pc) { let senders = config.pc.getSenders(); let audioSender = senders.find(function(sender) { return sender.track && sender.track.kind === 'audio'; }); if(!audioSender) { Janus.warn("Invalid DTMF configuration (no audio track)"); callbacks.error("Invalid DTMF configuration (no audio track)"); return; } config.dtmfSender = audioSender.dtmf; if(config.dtmfSender) { Janus.log("Created DTMF Sender"); config.dtmfSender.ontonechange = function(tone) { Janus.debug("Sent DTMF tone: " + tone.tone); }; } } if(!config.dtmfSender) { Janus.warn("Invalid DTMF configuration"); callbacks.error("Invalid DTMF configuration"); return; } } let dtmf = callbacks.dtmf; if(!dtmf) { Janus.warn("Invalid DTMF parameters"); callbacks.error("Invalid DTMF parameters"); return; } let tones = dtmf.tones; if(!tones) { Janus.warn("Invalid DTMF string"); callbacks.error("Invalid DTMF string"); return; } let duration = (typeof dtmf.duration === 'number') ? dtmf.duration : 500; // We choose 500ms as the default duration for a tone let gap = (typeof dtmf.gap === 'number') ? dtmf.gap : 50; // We choose 50ms as the default gap between tones Janus.debug("Sending DTMF string " + tones + " (duration " + duration + "ms, gap " + gap + "ms)"); config.dtmfSender.insertDTMF(tones, duration, gap); callbacks.success(); } // Private method to destroy a plugin handle function destroyHandle(handleId, callbacks) { callbacks = callbacks || {}; callbacks.success = (typeof callbacks.success == "function") ? callbacks.success : Janus.noop; callbacks.error = (typeof callbacks.error == "function") ? callbacks.error : Janus.noop; let noRequest = (callbacks.noRequest === true); Janus.log("Destroying handle " + handleId + " (only-locally=" + noRequest + ")"); cleanupWebrtc(handleId); let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || pluginHandle.detached) { // Plugin was already detached by Janus, calling detach again will return a handle not found error, so just exit here delete pluginHandles[handleId]; callbacks.success(); return; } pluginHandle.detached = true; if(noRequest) { // We're only removing the handle locally delete pluginHandles[handleId]; callbacks.success(); return; } if(!connected) { Janus.warn("Is the server down? (connected=false)"); callbacks.error("Is the server down? (connected=false)"); return; } let request = { "janus": "detach", "transaction": Janus.randomString(12) }; if(pluginHandle.token) request["token"] = pluginHandle.token; if(apisecret) request["apisecret"] = apisecret; if(websockets) { request["session_id"] = sessionId; request["handle_id"] = handleId; ws.send(JSON.stringify(request)); delete pluginHandles[handleId]; callbacks.success(); return; } Janus.httpAPICall(server + "/" + sessionId + "/" + handleId, { verb: 'POST', withCredentials: withCredentials, body: request, success: function(json) { Janus.log("Destroyed handle:"); Janus.debug(json); if(json["janus"] !== "success") { Janus.error("Ooops: " + json["error"].code + " " + json["error"].reason); // FIXME } delete pluginHandles[handleId]; callbacks.success(); }, error: function(textStatus, errorThrown) { Janus.error(textStatus + ":", errorThrown); // FIXME // We cleanup anyway delete pluginHandles[handleId]; callbacks.success(); } }); } // WebRTC stuff // Helper function to create a new PeerConnection, if we need one function createPeerconnectionIfNeeded(handleId, callbacks) { let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn("Invalid handle"); throw "Invalid handle"; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; if(config.pc) { // Nothing to do, we have a PeerConnection already return; } let pc_config = { iceServers: iceServers, iceTransportPolicy: iceTransportPolicy, bundlePolicy: bundlePolicy }; pc_config.sdpSemantics = 'unified-plan'; // Check if a sender or receiver transform has been provided let insertableStreams = false; if(callbacks.tracks) { for(let track of callbacks.tracks) { if(track.transforms && (track.transforms.sender || track.transforms.receiver)) { insertableStreams = true; break; } } } if(RTCRtpSender && (RTCRtpSender.prototype.createEncodedStreams || (RTCRtpSender.prototype.createEncodedAudioStreams && RTCRtpSender.prototype.createEncodedVideoStreams)) && insertableStreams) { config.insertableStreams = true; pc_config.forceEncodedAudioInsertableStreams = true; pc_config.forceEncodedVideoInsertableStreams = true; pc_config.encodedInsertableStreams = true; } Janus.log('Creating PeerConnection'); config.pc = new RTCPeerConnection(pc_config); Janus.debug(config.pc); if(config.pc.getStats) { // FIXME config.volume = {}; config.bitrate.value = '0 kbits/sec'; } Janus.log('Preparing local SDP and gathering candidates (trickle=' + config.trickle + ')'); config.pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = function() { if(config.pc) pluginHandle.iceState(config.pc.iceConnectionState); }; config.pc.onicecandidate = function(event) { if(!event.candidate || (event.candidate.candidate && event.candidate.candidate.indexOf('endOfCandidates') > 0)) { Janus.log('End of candidates.'); config.iceDone = true; if(config.trickle === true) { // Notify end of candidates sendTrickleCandidate(handleId, { completed : true }); } else { // No trickle, time to send the complete SDP (including all candidates) sendSDP(handleId, callbacks); } } else { // JSON.stringify doesn't work on some WebRTC objects anymore // See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=467366 let candidate = { candidate: event.candidate.candidate, sdpMid: event.candidate.sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex: event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex }; if(config.trickle === true) { // Send candidate sendTrickleCandidate(handleId, candidate); } } }; config.pc.ontrack = function(event) { Janus.log('Handling Remote Track', event); if(!event.streams) return; if(!event.track) return; // Notify about the new track event let mid = event.transceiver ? event.transceiver.mid : event.track.id; try { pluginHandle.onremotetrack(event.track, mid, true, { reason: 'created' }); } catch(e) { Janus.error("Error calling onremotetrack", e); } if(event.track.onended) return; let trackMutedTimeoutId = null; Janus.log('Adding onended callback to track:', event.track); event.track.onended = function(ev) { Janus.log('Remote track removed:', ev); clearTimeout(trackMutedTimeoutId); // Notify the application let transceivers = config.pc ? config.pc.getTransceivers() : null; let transceiver = transceivers ? transceivers.find( t => t.receiver.track === ev.target) : null; let mid = transceiver ? transceiver.mid : ev.target.id; try { pluginHandle.onremotetrack(ev.target, mid, false, { reason: 'ended' }); } catch(e) { Janus.error("Error calling onremotetrack on removal", e); } }; event.track.onmute = function(ev) { Janus.log('Remote track muted:', ev); if(!trackMutedTimeoutId) { trackMutedTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() { Janus.log('Removing remote track'); // Notify the application the track is gone let transceivers = config.pc ? config.pc.getTransceivers() : null; let transceiver = transceivers ? transceivers.find( t => t.receiver.track === ev.target) : null; let mid = transceiver ? transceiver.mid : ev.target.id; try { pluginHandle.onremotetrack(ev.target, mid, false, { reason: 'mute' } ); } catch(e) { Janus.error("Error calling onremotetrack on mute", e); } trackMutedTimeoutId = null; // Chrome seems to raise mute events only at multiples of 834ms; // we set the timeout to three times this value (rounded to 840ms) }, 3 * 840); } }; event.track.onunmute = function(ev) { Janus.log('Remote track flowing again:', ev); if(trackMutedTimeoutId != null) { clearTimeout(trackMutedTimeoutId); trackMutedTimeoutId = null; } else { try { // Notify the application the track is back let transceivers = config.pc ? config.pc.getTransceivers() : null; let transceiver = transceivers ? transceivers.find( t => t.receiver.track === ev.target) : null; let mid = transceiver ? transceiver.mid : ev.target.id; pluginHandle.onremotetrack(ev.target, mid, true, { reason: 'unmute' }); } catch(e) { Janus.error("Error calling onremotetrack on unmute", e); } } }; }; } // Helper function used when creating either an offer or answer: it // prepares what needs to be prepared, including creating a new // PeerConnection (if needed) and updating the tracks configuration, // before invoking the function to actually generate the offer/answer async function prepareWebrtc(handleId, offer, callbacks) { callbacks = callbacks || {}; callbacks.success = (typeof callbacks.success == "function") ? callbacks.success : Janus.noop; callbacks.error = (typeof callbacks.error == "function") ? callbacks.error : webrtcError; let jsep = callbacks.jsep; if(offer && jsep) { Janus.error("Provided a JSEP to a createOffer"); callbacks.error("Provided a JSEP to a createOffer"); return; } else if(!offer && (!jsep || !jsep.type || !jsep.sdp)) { Janus.error("A valid JSEP is required for createAnswer"); callbacks.error("A valid JSEP is required for createAnswer"); return; } // If the deprecated media was provided instead of tracks, translate it if(callbacks.media && !callbacks.tracks) { callbacks.tracks = Janus.mediaToTracks(callbacks.media); if(callbacks.simulcast === true || callbacks.simulcast2 === true || callbacks.svc) { // Find the video track and add simulcast/SVC info there for(let track of callbacks.tracks) { if(track.type === 'video') { if(callbacks.simulcast === true || callbacks.simulcast2 === true) track.simulcast = true; else if(callbacks.svc) track.svc = callbacks.svc; break; } } } Janus.warn('Deprecated media object passed, use tracks instead. Automatically translated to:', callbacks.tracks); } // Check that callbacks.array is a valid array if(callbacks.tracks && !Array.isArray(callbacks.tracks)) { Janus.error("Tracks must be an array"); callbacks.error("Tracks must be an array"); return; } // Get the plugin handle let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn("Invalid handle"); callbacks.error("Invalid handle"); return; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; config.trickle = isTrickleEnabled(callbacks.trickle); try { // Create a PeerConnection, if needed createPeerconnectionIfNeeded(handleId, callbacks); if(offer) { // Capture devices and setup tracks, if needed await captureDevices(handleId, callbacks); } // Create offer or answer now (depending on the context) if(!jsep) { let offer = await createOffer(handleId, callbacks); callbacks.success(offer); } else { await config.pc.setRemoteDescription(jsep); Janus.log("Remote description accepted!"); config.remoteSdp = jsep.sdp; // Any trickle candidate we cached? if(config.candidates && config.candidates.length > 0) { for(let i=0; i 0) { for(let i=0; i (t.mid === track.mid && t.receiver.track.kind === kind)); } else { // Find the first track of this type transceiver = config.pc.getTransceivers() .find(t => (t.receiver.track.kind === kind)); } if(track.replace || track.remove) { if(!transceiver) { Janus.warn("Couldn't find a transceiver for track:", track); continue; } if(!transceiver.sender) { Janus.warn('No sender in the transceiver for track:', track); continue; } sender = transceiver.sender; } if(answer && !transceiver) { transceiver = config.pc.getTransceivers() .find(t => (t.receiver.track.kind === kind)); if(!transceiver) { Janus.warn("Couldn't find a transceiver for track:", track); continue; } } // Capture the new track, if we need to let nt = null, trackId = null; if(track.remove) { Janus.log('Removing track from PeerConnection', track); trackId = sender.track ? sender.track.id : null; await sender.replaceTrack(null); } else if(track.capture) { if(track.gumGroup && groups[track.gumGroup] && groups[track.gumGroup].stream) { // We did a getUserMedia before already let stream = groups[track.gumGroup].stream; nt = (track.type === 'audio' ? stream.getAudioTracks()[0] : stream.getVideoTracks()[0]); delete groups[track.gumGroup].stream; delete groups[track.gumGroup]; delete track.gumGroup; } else if(track.capture instanceof MediaStreamTrack) { // An external track was provided, use that nt = track.capture; } else { if(!openedConsentDialog) { openedConsentDialog = true; pluginHandle.consentDialog(true); } let constraints = Janus.trackConstraints(track), stream = null; if(track.type === 'audio' || track.type === 'video') { // Use getUserMedia: check if we need to group audio and video together if(track.gumGroup) { let otherType = (track.type === 'audio' ? 'video' : 'audio'); if(groups[track.gumGroup] && groups[track.gumGroup][otherType]) { let otherTrack = groups[track.gumGroup][otherType]; let otherConstraints = Janus.trackConstraints(otherTrack); constraints[otherType] = otherConstraints[otherType]; } } stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints); if(track.gumGroup && constraints.audio && constraints.video) { // We just performed a grouped getUserMedia, keep track of the // stream so that we can immediately assign the track later groups[track.gumGroup].stream = stream; delete track.gumGroup; } } else { // Use getDisplayMedia stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia(constraints); } nt = (track.type === 'audio' ? stream.getAudioTracks()[0] : stream.getVideoTracks()[0]); } if(track.replace) { // Replace the track await sender.replaceTrack(nt); // Update the transceiver direction let newDirection = 'sendrecv'; if(track.recv === false || transceiver.direction === 'inactive' || transceiver.direction === 'sendonly') newDirection = 'sendonly'; if(transceiver.setDirection) transceiver.setDirection(newDirection); else transceiver.direction = newDirection; } else { // FIXME Add as a new track if(!config.myStream) config.myStream = new MediaStream(); if(kind === 'audio' || (!track.simulcast && !track.svc)) { sender = config.pc.addTrack(nt, config.myStream); transceiver = config.pc.getTransceivers() .find(t => (t.sender === sender)); } else if(track.simulcast) { if(Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser !== 'firefox') { // Standard RID Janus.log('Enabling rid-based simulcasting:', nt); let maxBitrates = getMaxBitrates(track.simulcastMaxBitrates); transceiver = config.pc.addTransceiver(nt, { direction: 'sendrecv', streams: [config.myStream], sendEncodings: track.sendEncodings || [ { rid: 'h', active: true, maxBitrate: maxBitrates.high }, { rid: 'm', active: true, maxBitrate: maxBitrates.medium, scaleResolutionDownBy: 2 }, { rid: 'l', active: true, maxBitrate: maxBitrates.low, scaleResolutionDownBy: 4 } ] }); } else { // Firefox-based RID, based on https://gist.github.com/voluntas/088bc3cc62094730647b Janus.log('Enabling Simulcasting for Firefox (RID)'); transceiver = config.pc.addTransceiver(nt, { direction: 'sendrecv', streams: [config.myStream] }); sender = transceiver ? transceiver.sender : null; if(sender) { let parameters = sender.getParameters(); if(!parameters) parameters = {}; let maxBitrates = getMaxBitrates(track.simulcastMaxBitrates); parameters.encodings = track.sendEncodings || [ { rid: 'h', active: true, maxBitrate: maxBitrates.high }, { rid: 'm', active: true, maxBitrate: maxBitrates.medium, scaleResolutionDownBy: 2 }, { rid: 'l', active: true, maxBitrate: maxBitrates.low, scaleResolutionDownBy: 4 } ]; sender.setParameters(parameters); } } } else { Janus.log('Enabling SVC (' + track.svc + '):', nt); transceiver = config.pc.addTransceiver(nt, { direction: 'sendrecv', streams: [config.myStream], sendEncodings: [ { scalabilityMode: track.svc } ] }); } if(!sender) sender = transceiver ? transceiver.sender : null; // Check if we need to override some settings if(track.codec) { if(Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === 'firefox') { Janus.warn('setCodecPreferences not supported in Firefox, ignoring codec for track:', track); } else if(typeof track.codec !== 'string') { Janus.warn('Invalid codec value, ignoring for track:', track); } else { let mimeType = kind + '/' + track.codec.toLowerCase(); let codecs = RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities(kind).codecs.filter(function(codec) { return codec.mimeType.toLowerCase() === mimeType; }); if(!codecs || codecs.length === 0) { Janus.warn('Codec not supported in this browser for this track, ignoring:', track); } else if(transceiver) { try { transceiver.setCodecPreferences(codecs); } catch(err) { Janus.warn('Failed enforcing codec for this ' + kind + ' track:', err); } } } } if(track.bitrate) { // Override maximum bitrate if(track.simulcast || track.svc) { Janus.warn('Ignoring bitrate for simulcast/SVC track, use sendEncodings for that'); } else if(isNaN(track.bitrate) || track.bitrate < 0) { Janus.warn('Ignoring invalid bitrate for track:', track); } else if(sender) { let params = sender.getParameters(); if(!params || !params.encodings || params.encodings.length === 0) { Janus.warn('No encodings in the sender parameters, ignoring bitrate for track:', track); } else { params.encodings[0].maxBitrate = track.bitrate; await sender.setParameters(params); } } } if(kind === 'video' && track.framerate) { // Override maximum framerate if(track.simulcast || track.svc) { Janus.warn('Ignoring framerate for simulcast/SVC track, use sendEncodings for that'); } else if(isNaN(track.framerate) || track.framerate < 0) { Janus.warn('Ignoring invalid framerate for track:', track); } else if(sender) { let params = sender.getParameters(); if(!params || !params.encodings || params.encodings.length === 0) { Janus.warn('No encodings in the sender parameters, ignoring framerate for track:', track); } else { params.encodings[0].maxFramerate = track.framerate; await sender.setParameters(params); } } } // Check if insertable streams are involved if(track.transforms) { if(sender && track.transforms.sender) { // There's a sender transform, set it on the transceiver sender let senderStreams = null; if(RTCRtpSender.prototype.createEncodedStreams) { senderStreams = sender.createEncodedStreams(); } else if(RTCRtpSender.prototype.createAudioEncodedStreams || RTCRtpSender.prototype.createEncodedVideoStreams) { if(kind === 'audio') { senderStreams = sender.createEncodedAudioStreams(); } else if(kind === 'video') { senderStreams = sender.createEncodedVideoStreams(); } } if(senderStreams) { console.log('Insertable Streams sender transform:', senderStreams); if(senderStreams.readableStream && senderStreams.writableStream) { senderStreams.readableStream .pipeThrough(track.transforms.sender) .pipeTo(senderStreams.writableStream); } else if(senderStreams.readable && senderStreams.writable) { senderStreams.readable .pipeThrough(track.transforms.sender) .pipeTo(senderStreams.writable); } } } if(transceiver && transceiver.receiver && track.transforms.receiver) { // There's a receiver transform, set it on the transceiver receiver let receiverStreams = null; if(RTCRtpReceiver.prototype.createEncodedStreams) { receiverStreams = transceiver.receiver.createEncodedStreams(); } else if(RTCRtpReceiver.prototype.createAudioEncodedStreams || RTCRtpReceiver.prototype.createEncodedVideoStreams) { if(kind === 'audio') { receiverStreams = transceiver.receiver.createEncodedAudioStreams(); } else if(kind === 'video') { receiverStreams = transceiver.receiver.createEncodedVideoStreams(); } } if(receiverStreams) { console.log('Insertable Streams receiver transform:', receiverStreams); if(receiverStreams.readableStream && receiverStreams.writableStream) { receiverStreams.readableStream .pipeThrough(track.transforms.receiver) .pipeTo(receiverStreams.writableStream); } else if(receiverStreams.readable && receiverStreams.writable) { receiverStreams.readable .pipeThrough(track.transforms.receiver) .pipeTo(receiverStreams.writable); } } } } } if(nt && track.dontStop === true) nt.dontStop = true; } else if(track.recv && !transceiver) { // Maybe a new recvonly track transceiver = config.pc.addTransceiver(kind); if(transceiver) { // Check if we need to override some settings if(track.codec) { if(Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === 'firefox') { Janus.warn('setCodecPreferences not supported in Firefox, ignoring codec for track:', track); } else if(typeof track.codec !== 'string') { Janus.warn('Invalid codec value, ignoring for track:', track); } else { let mimeType = kind + '/' + track.codec.toLowerCase(); let codecs = RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities(kind).codecs.filter(function(codec) { return codec.mimeType.toLowerCase() === mimeType; }); if(!codecs || codecs.length === 0) { Janus.warn('Codec not supported in this browser for this track, ignoring:', track); } else { try { transceiver.setCodecPreferences(codecs); } catch(err) { Janus.warn('Failed enforcing codec for this ' + kind + ' track:', err); } } } } // Check if insertable streams are involved if(transceiver.receiver && track.transforms && track.transforms.receiver) { // There's a receiver transform, set it on the transceiver receiver let receiverStreams = null; if(RTCRtpReceiver.prototype.createEncodedStreams) { receiverStreams = transceiver.receiver.createEncodedStreams(); } else if(RTCRtpReceiver.prototype.createAudioEncodedStreams || RTCRtpReceiver.prototype.createEncodedVideoStreams) { if(kind === 'audio') { receiverStreams = transceiver.receiver.createEncodedAudioStreams(); } else if(kind === 'video') { receiverStreams = transceiver.receiver.createEncodedVideoStreams(); } } if(receiverStreams) { console.log('Insertable Streams receiver transform:', receiverStreams); if(receiverStreams.readableStream && receiverStreams.writableStream) { receiverStreams.readableStream .pipeThrough(track.transforms.receiver) .pipeTo(receiverStreams.writableStream); } else if(receiverStreams.readable && receiverStreams.writable) { receiverStreams.readable .pipeThrough(track.transforms.receiver) .pipeTo(receiverStreams.writable); } } } } } // Get rid of the old track // FIXME We should probably do this *before* capturing the new // track, since this prevents, for instance, just changing the // resolution of the same webcam we're capturing already (the // existing resolution would be returned, or an overconstrained // error). On the other end, closing the track before we capture // the new device means we'd end up with a period of time where // no video is sent (changing device takes some time), and // media would be stopped entirely in case capturing the new // device results in an error. To keep things simpler, we're // doing it after: we can make this configurable in the future. if(trackId && config.myStream) { let rt = null; if(kind === 'audio' && config.myStream.getAudioTracks() && config.myStream.getAudioTracks().length) { for(let t of config.myStream.getAudioTracks()) { if(t.id === trackId) { rt = t; Janus.log('Removing audio track:', rt); } } } else if(kind === 'video' && config.myStream.getVideoTracks() && config.myStream.getVideoTracks().length) { for(let t of config.myStream.getVideoTracks()) { if(t.id === trackId) { rt = t; Janus.log('Removing video track:', rt); } } } if(rt) { // Remove the track and notify the application try { config.myStream.removeTrack(rt); pluginHandle.onlocaltrack(rt, false); } catch(e) { Janus.error("Error calling onlocaltrack on removal for renegotiation", e); } // Close the old track (unless we've been asked not to) if(rt.dontStop !== true) { try { rt.stop(); } catch(e) {} } } } if(nt) { // FIXME Add the new track locally config.myStream.addTrack(nt); // Notify the application about the new local track, if any nt.onended = function(ev) { Janus.log('Local track removed:', ev); try { pluginHandle.onlocaltrack(ev.target, false); } catch(e) { Janus.error("Error calling onlocaltrack following end", e); } } try { pluginHandle.onlocaltrack(nt, true); } catch(e) { Janus.error("Error calling onlocaltrack for track add", e); } } // Update the direction of the transceiver if(transceiver) { let curdir = transceiver.direction, newdir = null; let send = (nt && transceiver.sender.track), recv = (track.recv !== false && transceiver.receiver.track); if(send && recv) newdir = 'sendrecv'; else if(send && !recv) newdir = 'sendonly'; else if(!send && recv) newdir = 'recvonly'; else if(!send && !recv) newdir = 'inactive'; if(newdir && newdir !== curdir) { Janus.warn('Changing direction of transceiver to ' + newdir + ' (was ' + curdir + ')', track); if(transceiver.setDirection) transceiver.setDirection(newdir); else transceiver.direction = newdir; } } } if(openedConsentDialog) pluginHandle.consentDialog(false); } function getLocalTracks(handleId) { let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn('Invalid handle'); return null; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; if(!config.pc) { Janus.warn('Invalid PeerConnection'); return null; } let tracks = []; let transceivers = config.pc.getTransceivers(); for(let tr of transceivers) { let track = null; if(tr.sender && tr.sender.track) { track = { mid: tr.mid }; track.type = tr.sender.track.kind; track.id = tr.sender.track.id; track.label = tr.sender.track.label; } if(track) tracks.push(track); } return tracks; } function getRemoteTracks(handleId) { let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn('Invalid handle'); return null; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; if(!config.pc) { Janus.warn('Invalid PeerConnection'); return null; } let tracks = []; let transceivers = config.pc.getTransceivers(); for(let tr of transceivers) { let track = null; if(tr.receiver && tr.receiver.track) { track = { mid: tr.mid }; track.type = tr.receiver.track.kind; track.id = tr.receiver.track.id; track.label = tr.receiver.track.label; } if(track) tracks.push(track); } return tracks; } function getVolume(handleId, mid, remote, result) { result = (typeof result == "function") ? result : Janus.noop; let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn("Invalid handle"); result(0); return; } let stream = remote ? "remote" : "local"; let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; if(!config.volume[stream]) config.volume[stream] = { value: 0 }; // Start getting the volume, if audioLevel in getStats is supported (apparently // they're only available in Chrome/Safari right now: https://webrtc-stats.callstats.io/) if(config.pc && config.pc.getStats && (Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === "chrome" || Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === "safari")) { // Are we interested in a mid in particular? let query = config.pc; if(mid) { let transceiver = config.pc.getTransceivers() .find(t => (t.mid === mid && t.receiver.track.kind === "audio")); if(!transceiver) { Janus.warn("No audio transceiver with mid " + mid); result(0); return; } if(remote && !transceiver.receiver) { Janus.warn("Remote transceiver track unavailable"); result(0); return; } else if(!remote && !transceiver.sender) { Janus.warn("Local transceiver track unavailable"); result(0); return; } query = remote ? transceiver.receiver : transceiver.sender; } query.getStats() .then(function(stats) { stats.forEach(function (res) { if(!res || res.kind !== "audio") return; if((remote && !res.remoteSource) || (!remote && res.type !== "media-source")) return; result(res.audioLevel ? res.audioLevel : 0); }); }); return config.volume[stream].value; } else { // audioInputLevel and audioOutputLevel seem only available in Chrome? audioLevel // seems to be available on Chrome and Firefox, but they don't seem to work Janus.warn("Getting the " + stream + " volume unsupported by browser"); result(0); return; } } function isMuted(handleId, mid, video) { let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn("Invalid handle"); return true; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; if(!config.pc) { Janus.warn("Invalid PeerConnection"); return true; } if(!config.myStream) { Janus.warn("Invalid local MediaStream"); return true; } if(video) { // Check video track if(!config.myStream.getVideoTracks() || config.myStream.getVideoTracks().length === 0) { Janus.warn("No video track"); return true; } if(mid) { let transceiver = config.pc.getTransceivers() .find(t => (t.mid === mid && t.receiver.track.kind === "video")); if(!transceiver) { Janus.warn("No video transceiver with mid " + mid); return true; } if(!transceiver.sender || !transceiver.sender.track) { Janus.warn("No video sender with mid " + mid); return true; } return !transceiver.sender.track.enabled; } else { return !config.myStream.getVideoTracks()[0].enabled; } } else { // Check audio track if(!config.myStream.getAudioTracks() || config.myStream.getAudioTracks().length === 0) { Janus.warn("No audio track"); return true; } if(mid) { let transceiver = config.pc.getTransceivers() .find(t => (t.mid === mid && t.receiver.track.kind === "audio")); if(!transceiver) { Janus.warn("No audio transceiver with mid " + mid); return true; } if(!transceiver.sender || !transceiver.sender.track) { Janus.warn("No audio sender with mid " + mid); return true; } return !transceiver.sender.track.enabled; } else { return !config.myStream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled; } } } function mute(handleId, mid, video, mute) { let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn("Invalid handle"); return false; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; if(!config.pc) { Janus.warn("Invalid PeerConnection"); return false; } if(!config.myStream) { Janus.warn("Invalid local MediaStream"); return false; } if(video) { // Mute/unmute video track if(!config.myStream.getVideoTracks() || config.myStream.getVideoTracks().length === 0) { Janus.warn("No video track"); return false; } if(mid) { let transceiver = config.pc.getTransceivers() .find(t => (t.mid === mid && t.receiver.track.kind === "video")); if(!transceiver) { Janus.warn("No video transceiver with mid " + mid); return false; } if(!transceiver.sender || !transceiver.sender.track) { Janus.warn("No video sender with mid " + mid); return false; } transceiver.sender.track.enabled = mute ? false : true; } else { for(const videostream of config.myStream.getVideoTracks()) { videostream.enabled = !mute } } } else { // Mute/unmute audio track if(!config.myStream.getAudioTracks() || config.myStream.getAudioTracks().length === 0) { Janus.warn("No audio track"); return false; } if(mid) { let transceiver = config.pc.getTransceivers() .find(t => (t.mid === mid && t.receiver.track.kind === "audio")); if(!transceiver) { Janus.warn("No audio transceiver with mid " + mid); return false; } if(!transceiver.sender || !transceiver.sender.track) { Janus.warn("No audio sender with mid " + mid); return false; } transceiver.sender.track.enabled = mute ? false : true; } else { for(const audiostream of config.myStream.getAudioTracks()) { audiostream.enabled = !mute } } } return true; } function getBitrate(handleId, mid) { let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn("Invalid handle"); return "Invalid handle"; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; if(!config.pc) return "Invalid PeerConnection"; // Start getting the bitrate, if getStats is supported if(config.pc.getStats) { let query = config.pc; let target = mid ? mid : "default"; if(mid) { let transceiver = config.pc.getTransceivers() .find(t => (t.mid === mid && t.receiver.track.kind === "video")); if(!transceiver) { Janus.warn("No video transceiver with mid " + mid); return ("No video transceiver with mid " + mid); } if(!transceiver.receiver) { Janus.warn("No video receiver with mid " + mid); return ("No video receiver with mid " + mid); } query = transceiver.receiver; } if(!config.bitrate[target]) { config.bitrate[target] = { timer: null, bsnow: null, bsbefore: null, tsnow: null, tsbefore: null, value: "0 kbits/sec" }; } if(!config.bitrate[target].timer) { Janus.log("Starting bitrate timer" + (mid ? (" for mid " + mid) : "") + " (via getStats)"); config.bitrate[target].timer = setInterval(function() { query.getStats() .then(function(stats) { stats.forEach(function (res) { if(!res) return; let inStats = false; // Check if these are statistics on incoming media if((res.mediaType === "video" || res.id.toLowerCase().indexOf("video") > -1) && res.type === "inbound-rtp" && res.id.indexOf("rtcp") < 0) { // New stats inStats = true; } else if(res.type == 'ssrc' && res.bytesReceived && (res.googCodecName === "VP8" || res.googCodecName === "")) { // Older Chromer versions inStats = true; } // Parse stats now if(inStats) { config.bitrate[target].bsnow = res.bytesReceived; config.bitrate[target].tsnow = res.timestamp; if(config.bitrate[target].bsbefore === null || config.bitrate[target].tsbefore === null) { // Skip this round config.bitrate[target].bsbefore = config.bitrate[target].bsnow; config.bitrate[target].tsbefore = config.bitrate[target].tsnow; } else { // Calculate bitrate let timePassed = config.bitrate[target].tsnow - config.bitrate[target].tsbefore; if(Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === "safari") timePassed = timePassed/1000; // Apparently the timestamp is in microseconds, in Safari let bitRate = Math.round((config.bitrate[target].bsnow - config.bitrate[target].bsbefore) * 8 / timePassed); if(Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === "safari") bitRate = parseInt(bitRate/1000); config.bitrate[target].value = bitRate + ' kbits/sec'; //~ Janus.log("Estimated bitrate is " + config.bitrate.value); config.bitrate[target].bsbefore = config.bitrate[target].bsnow; config.bitrate[target].tsbefore = config.bitrate[target].tsnow; } } }); }); }, 1000); return "0 kbits/sec"; // We don't have a bitrate value yet } return config.bitrate[target].value; } else { Janus.warn("Getting the video bitrate unsupported by browser"); return "Feature unsupported by browser"; } } function setBitrate(handleId, mid, bitrate) { let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle || !pluginHandle.webrtcStuff) { Janus.warn('Invalid handle'); return; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; if(!config.pc) { Janus.warn('Invalid PeerConnection'); return; } let transceiver = config.pc.getTransceivers().find(t => (t.mid === mid)); if(!transceiver) { Janus.warn('No transceiver with mid', mid); return; } if(!transceiver.sender) { Janus.warn('No sender for transceiver with mid', mid); return; } let params = transceiver.sender.getParameters(); if(!params || !params.encodings || params.encodings.length === 0) { Janus.warn('No parameters encodings'); } else if(params.encodings.length > 1) { Janus.warn('Ignoring bitrate for simulcast track, use sendEncodings for that'); } else if(isNaN(bitrate) || bitrate < 0) { Janus.warn('Invalid bitrate (must be a positive integer)'); } else { params.encodings[0].maxBitrate = bitrate; transceiver.sender.setParameters(params); } } function webrtcError(error) { Janus.error("WebRTC error:", error); } function cleanupWebrtc(handleId, hangupRequest) { Janus.log("Cleaning WebRTC stuff"); let pluginHandle = pluginHandles[handleId]; if(!pluginHandle) { // Nothing to clean return; } let config = pluginHandle.webrtcStuff; if(config) { if(hangupRequest === true) { // Send a hangup request (we don't really care about the response) let request = { "janus": "hangup", "transaction": Janus.randomString(12) }; if(pluginHandle.token) request["token"] = pluginHandle.token; if(apisecret) request["apisecret"] = apisecret; Janus.debug("Sending hangup request (handle=" + handleId + "):"); Janus.debug(request); if(websockets) { request["session_id"] = sessionId; request["handle_id"] = handleId; ws.send(JSON.stringify(request)); } else { Janus.httpAPICall(server + "/" + sessionId + "/" + handleId, { verb: 'POST', withCredentials: withCredentials, body: request }); } } // Cleanup stack if(config.volume) { if(config.volume["local"] && config.volume["local"].timer) clearInterval(config.volume["local"].timer); if(config.volume["remote"] && config.volume["remote"].timer) clearInterval(config.volume["remote"].timer); } for(let i in config.bitrate) { if(config.bitrate[i].timer) clearInterval(config.bitrate[i].timer); } config.bitrate = {}; if(!config.streamExternal && config.myStream) { Janus.log("Stopping local stream tracks"); Janus.stopAllTracks(config.myStream); } config.streamExternal = false; config.myStream = null; // Close PeerConnection try { config.pc.close(); } catch(e) { // Do nothing } config.pc = null; config.candidates = null; config.mySdp = null; config.remoteSdp = null; config.iceDone = false; config.dataChannel = {}; config.dtmfSender = null; config.insertableStreams = false; } pluginHandle.oncleanup(); } function isTrickleEnabled(trickle) { Janus.debug("isTrickleEnabled:", trickle); return (trickle === false) ? false : true; } }