# Bash initialization for interactive non-login shells and # for remote shells (info "(bash) Bash Startup Files"). # Export 'SHELL' to child processes. Programs such as 'screen' # honor it and otherwise use /bin/sh. export SHELL if [[ $- != *i* ]] then # We are being invoked from a non-interactive shell. If this # is an SSH session (as in "ssh host command"), source # /etc/profile so we get PATH and other essential variables. [[ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]] && source /etc/profile # Don't do anything else. return fi # Source the system-wide file. [ -f /etc/bashrc ] && source /etc/bashrc source /etc/profile # Term compatibility export TERM=rxvt-256color # Aliasi alias ls='ls -p --color=auto' alias ll='ls -l' alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias ls='ls --color -C' alias vi='vim' alias sudo='sudo env PATH=$PATH ' alias ag="rg" alias less="less -R" alias gitclean="git fetch -p && for branch in \$(git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | gawk '{print \$1}'); do git branch -D \$branch; echo 'deleted \$branch'; done" alias sctl="systemctl" alias ddrush="ddev exec drush" alias dcomposer="ddev exec composer" alias offer-files="python3 -m http.server" # X on wayland alias wxon="xhost +local:" alias kill-element='kill $(ps aux | grep element | awk '\''{print $2;}'\'')' alias run-gamma="pkill -f gammastep; sleep 3; screen -dm -- gammastep -m wayland -l 46.05108:14.50513" # RŠ ssh srs() { ssh "jurijp@$1.radiostudent.local" } srr() { ssh "root@$1.radiostudent.local" } rss() { ssh "jurijp@$1.radiostudent.si" } rsr() { ssh "root@$1.radiostudent.si" } export BSD_GAMES_DIR=~/.local/share/bsd-games