#include #include #include #include /* This driver uses the Adafruit unified sensor library (Adafruit_Sensor), which provides a common 'type' for sensor data and some helper functions. To use this driver you will also need to download the Adafruit_Sensor library and include it in your libraries folder. You should also assign a unique ID to this sensor for use with the Adafruit Sensor API so that you can identify this particular sensor in any data logs, etc. To assign a unique ID, simply provide an appropriate value in the constructor below (12345 is used by default in this example). Connections =========== Connect SCL to analog 5 Connect SDA to analog 4 Connect VDD to 3.3-5V DC Connect GROUND to common ground History ======= 2015/MAR/03 - First release (KTOWN) */ /* Set the delay between fresh samples */ #define BNO055_SAMPLERATE_DELAY_MS (100) // Check I2C device address and correct line below (by default address is 0x29 or 0x28) // id, address Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055(55, 0x28); /**************************************************************************/ /* Displays some basic information on this sensor from the unified sensor API sensor_t type (see Adafruit_Sensor for more information) */ /**************************************************************************/ void displaySensorDetails(void) { sensor_t sensor; bno.getSensor(&sensor); Serial.println("------------------------------------"); Serial.print ("Sensor: "); Serial.println(sensor.name); Serial.print ("Driver Ver: "); Serial.println(sensor.version); Serial.print ("Unique ID: "); Serial.println(sensor.sensor_id); Serial.print ("Max Value: "); Serial.print(sensor.max_value); Serial.println(" xxx"); Serial.print ("Min Value: "); Serial.print(sensor.min_value); Serial.println(" xxx"); Serial.print ("Resolution: "); Serial.print(sensor.resolution); Serial.println(" xxx"); Serial.println("------------------------------------"); Serial.println(""); delay(500); } /**************************************************************************/ /* Arduino setup function (automatically called at startup) */ /**************************************************************************/ void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Orientation Sensor Test"); Serial.println(""); /* Initialise the sensor */ if(!bno.begin()) { /* There was a problem detecting the BNO055 ... check your connections */ Serial.print("Ooops, no BNO055 detected ... Check your wiring or I2C ADDR!"); while(1); } delay(1000); /* Use external crystal for better accuracy */ bno.setExtCrystalUse(true); /* Display some basic information on this sensor */ displaySensorDetails(); } /**************************************************************************/ /* Arduino loop function, called once 'setup' is complete (your own code should go here) */ /**************************************************************************/ void loop(void) { /* Get a new sensor event */ sensors_event_t event; bno.getEvent(&event); /* Board layout: +----------+ | *| RST PITCH ROLL HEADING ADR |* *| SCL INT |* *| SDA ^ /-> PS1 |* *| GND | | PS0 |* *| 3VO Y Z--> \-X | *| VIN +----------+ */ /* The processing sketch expects data as roll, pitch, heading */ Serial.print(F("Orientation: ")); Serial.print((float)event.orientation.x); Serial.print(F(" ")); Serial.print((float)event.orientation.y); Serial.print(F(" ")); Serial.print((float)event.orientation.z); Serial.println(F("")); /* Also send calibration data for each sensor. */ uint8_t sys, gyro, accel, mag = 0; bno.getCalibration(&sys, &gyro, &accel, &mag); Serial.print(F("Calibration: ")); Serial.print(sys, DEC); Serial.print(F(" ")); Serial.print(gyro, DEC); Serial.print(F(" ")); Serial.print(accel, DEC); Serial.print(F(" ")); Serial.println(mag, DEC); delay(BNO055_SAMPLERATE_DELAY_MS); }