import processing.serial.*; //download at import*; //download at import controlP5.*; /************************************************************************************ GUI ************************************************************************************/ ControlP5 cp5; DropdownList serialddl; DropdownList baudddl; Textlabel arduinoLabel; Textlabel UDPLabel; Textlabel incomingPacket; Button startButton; Button stopButton; Textfield ipAddressField; Textfield incomingPortField; Textfield outgoingPortField; void setupGUI() { //the ControlP5 object cp5 = new ControlP5(this); //start button startButton = cp5.addButton("START") .setPosition(200, 200) .setSize(200, 19) ; //stop button stopButton = cp5.addButton("STOP") .setPosition(200, 200) .setSize(200, 19) ; stopButton.hide(); //Serial Port selector serialddl = cp5.addDropdownList("SerialPort") .setPosition(50, 100) .setSize(200, 200) ; serialddl.setItemHeight(20); serialddl.setBarHeight(15); serialddl.setCaptionLabel("SELECT ARDUINO SERIAL PORT"); //serialddl.captionLabel().style().marginTop = 3; //serialddl.captionLabel().style().marginLeft = 3; //serialddl.valueLabel().style().marginTop = 3; //set the serial options String SerialList[] = Serial.list(); for (int i=0;i serialBuffer = new ArrayList(); void setupSerial() { serial = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[serialListNumber], baud); } void stopSerial() { serial.stop(); } void serialEvent(Serial serial) { //decode the message //println (; while (serial.available () > 0) { slipDecode(byte(; } } void SerialSendToUDP() { byte [] buffer = new byte[serialBuffer.size()]; //copy the buffer over for (int i = 0; i < serialBuffer.size(); i++) { buffer[i] = serialBuffer.get(i); } //send it off UDPSendBuffer(buffer); //clear the buffer serialBuffer.clear(); //light up the indicator drawIncomingSerial(); } void serialSend(byte[] data) { //encode the message and send it for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++){ slipEncode(data[i]); } //write the eot serial.write(eot); } /************************************************************************************ SLIP ENCODING ************************************************************************************/ byte eot = byte(192); byte slipesc = byte(219); byte slipescend = byte(220); byte slipescesc = byte(221); byte previousByte; void slipDecode(byte incoming) { byte previous = previousByte; previousByte = incoming; //if the previous was the escape char if (previous == slipesc) { //if this one is the esc eot if (incoming==slipescend) { serialBuffer.add(eot); } else if (incoming==slipescesc) { serialBuffer.add(slipesc); } } else if (incoming==eot) { //if it's the eot //send off the packet SerialSendToUDP(); } else { serialBuffer.add(incoming); } } void slipEncode(byte incoming) { if(incoming == eot){ serial.write(slipesc); serial.write(slipescend); } else if(incoming==slipesc) { serial.write(slipesc); serial.write(slipescesc); } else { serial.write(incoming); } } /************************************************************************************ UDP ************************************************************************************/ //UDP communication UDP udp; int inPort = 9000; int outPort = 10001; String ipAddress = ""; void setupUDP() { udp = new UDP( this, inPort ); udp.log( true ); // <-- printout the connection activity udp.listen( true ); } void stopUDP() { udp.close(); } void UDPSendBuffer(byte[] data) { udp.send( data, ipAddress, outPort ); } //called when UDP receives some data void receive( byte[] data) { drawIncomingUDP(); //send it over to serial serialSend(data); } /************************************************************************************ SETUP/DRAW ************************************************************************************/ void setup() { // configure the screen size and frame rate size(550, 250, P3D); frameRate(30); setupGUI(); } void draw() { background(128); if (applicationRunning) { drawIncomingPackets(); } } /************************************************************************************ VISUALIZING INCOMING PACKETS ************************************************************************************/ int lastSerialPacket = 0; int lastUDPPacket = 0; void drawIncomingPackets() { //the serial packet fill(0); rect(75, 50, 100, 100); //the udp packet rect(325, 50, 100, 100); int now = millis(); int lightDuration = 75; if (now - lastSerialPacket < lightDuration) { fill(255); rect(85, 60, 80, 80); } if (now - lastUDPPacket < lightDuration) { fill(255); rect(335, 60, 80, 80); } } void drawIncomingSerial() { lastSerialPacket = millis(); } void drawIncomingUDP() { lastUDPPacket = millis(); }