SLIPDecoder { // SLIP DECODING // =================== // // The packets are SLIP encoded using these special characters: // end = 8r300 (2r11000000 or 0xc0 or 192) // esc = 8r333 (2r11011011 or 0xdb or 219) // esc_end = 8r334 (2r011011100 or 0xdc or 220) // esc_esc = 8r335 (2r011011101 or 0xdd or 221) // original code by Martin Marier & Fredrik Olofsson const slipEND = 0xC0; const slipESC = 0xDB; const slipESC_END = 0xDC; const slipESC_ESC = 0xDD; // OSC bundle header "#bundle" const oscBundleHeader = #[35, 98, 117, 110, 100, 108, 101, 0]; // OSC type separator "," const oscTypeSeparator = 0x2C; var deviceName, <>prependAddress, <>rate, <>port, decode, <>actions, firstRead, trace, stop, <>reader; *new {|deviceName="/dev/ttyUSB0", rate=9600, prepend=""| ^, rate, prepend); } readInt32 { |byteArr| ^((byteArr[0] << 24) + (byteArr[1] << 16) + (byteArr[2] << 8) + byteArr[3]); } readFloat32 { |byteArr| ^Float.from32Bits(this.readInt32(byteArr)); } // Read byte array 4 bytes at a time, return on null termination or if end of buffer reached // Return array [string, strlen (bytes)] readNextString { |byteArr| var str = "", idx = 0; while({ (idx + 4) <= byteArr.size }, { str = str ++ String.newFrom( byteArr[(idx..(idx + 3))] .removeEvery([0]) .collect({|x| x.asAscii}) ); // If last byte is null, return if ( isNil(byteArr[idx + 3]) || (byteArr[idx + 3] == 0), { ^[str, idx + 4] }); idx = idx + 4; } ); // If end of byteArr, return ^[str, idx]; } int2chr { |x| // Ce ni stevilo, vrni isto if ((x.isInteger.not), { ^x }); // v razponu crk, stevilk in znakov vrni char, sicer kar cifro if (x.isInteger && (x >= 0x20) && (x <= 0x7E), { ^x.asAscii }, { ^x }) } initSLIPDecoder { |deviceName,rate,prepend| port = SerialPort(deviceName, rate); prependAddress = prepend; actions = []; // Each action is a function that takes the message contents as an argument. see 'decode' below. firstRead = false; trace = false; stop = false; } trace { |val| trace = val; } // Function for decoding the properly-SLIP-decoded message. decode { |data| // Is it a bundle? (read header from first 8 bytes) var header =; if (header == oscBundleHeader, // OSC bundle { var timetag, nextMsgLen, nextMsgStart, nextMsgEnd, bundlePart; if (trace, { "".postln; "======".postln; "BUNDLE".postln; "======".postln; }); // Next 8 bytes are a time tag (or null) /* @TODO handle timetags! timetag =; */ // First message starts after the time tag nextMsgStart = 16; // Loop for each message while({ nextMsgStart < data.size }, { // Further 4 bytes hold the next message length nextMsgLen = this.readInt32( + 3)))); nextMsgStart = nextMsgStart + 4; nextMsgEnd = nextMsgStart + nextMsgLen - 1; bundlePart =; // Recursively decode; each bundle part can be another bundle this.decode(bundlePart); nextMsgStart = nextMsgEnd + 1; } ); }, // OSC message { var nextString, index, address, type, args = []; // Message Address nextString = this.readNextString(data); address = nextString[0]; data = data[(nextString[1]..(data.size - 1))]; nextString = this.readNextString(data); type = nextString[0]; data = data[(nextString[1]..(data.size - 1))];{ |t| t.switch ( $i, { args = args.add(this.readInt32(data)); data = data[(4..(data.size - 1))]; }, $f, { args = args.add(this.readFloat32(data)); data = data[(4..(data.size - 1))]; }, $s, { nextString = this.readNextString(data); args = args.add(nextString[0]); data = data[(nextString[1]..(data.size - 1))]; } /* @TODO implement strings, bytearrays */ ); }); // Send OSC message to the engine NetAddr.localAddr.sendMsg(prependAddress ++ address, *args); } ); } start { stop = false; reader = fork { var buffer, serialByte; var bufferSize = 1024; // 1KB buffer = Int8Array(maxSize: bufferSize); while({stop.not}, { serialByte =; serialByte.switch( slipEND, { if (firstRead && buffer.isEmpty.not, { this.decode(buffer); }, { firstRead = true; } ); buffer = Int8Array(maxSize: bufferSize); }, slipESC, { serialByte =; serialByte.switch( slipESC_END, { buffer.add(slipEND) }, slipESC_ESC, { buffer.add(slipESC) }, {"SLIP encoding error.".error } ) }, { buffer.add(serialByte) } ); }); }; } stop { reader.stop } }