from django.utils.html import escape import markdown import uploads.models EMBED_RE = r'\[(pdf|img|file):([a-z0-9-]+) ?([^\]]*)\]' #PDF_EMBED_RE = r'\[pdf:([a-z0-9-]+) ?([^\]]*)\]' class EmbedPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern): def handleMatch(self, m): embed_type = slug = self.unescape( caption = self.unescape( if embed_type == 'pdf': pdf_upload = uploads.models.PdfUpload.objects.filter(slug=slug).first() if pdf_upload: # This div structure is messy because it forces the enclosing #

to close first. Ideally, we'd make this a block pattern. div_el = markdown.util.etree.Element('div') object_el = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(div_el, 'object') path = pdf_upload.file.url object_el.set('data', path) object_el.set('type', 'application/pdf') object_el.set('width', '100%') object_el.set('height', '800px') iframe_el = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(object_el, "iframe") iframe_el.set('src', path) iframe_el.set('width', '100%') iframe_el.set('height', '800px') iframe_el.text = 'Please download the PDF' # Show the PNG version for a mobile fallback. image_el = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(div_el, 'img') image_el.set('class', 'mobile-only') object_el.set('class', 'non-mobile-only') image_el.set('src', path + '.png') print_el = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(div_el, 'div') print_el.set('class', 'print-only') print_el.text = "Don't print this page, print the PDF itself!" return div_el else: return 'INVALID FILE: ' + slug elif embed_type == 'img': image_upload = uploads.models.ImageUpload.objects.filter(slug=slug).first() if image_upload: div_el = markdown.util.etree.Element('div') div_el.set('class' , 'uploaded-image') span_el = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(div_el, 'span') span_el.text = caption image_el = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(div_el, 'img') image_el.set('src', image_upload.file.url) return div_el else: return 'INVALID FILE: ' + slug else: other_upload = uploads.models.OtherUpload.objects.filter(slug=slug).first() if other_upload: div_el = markdown.util.etree.Element('div') div_el.set('class', 'uploaded-file') a_el = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(div_el, 'a') a_el.set('class', 'ui large red icon button') a_el.set('href', other_upload.file.url) i_el = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(a_el, 'i') i_el.set('class', 'download icon') # Using .tail not .text to ensure that it follows the i_el.tail = 'Download {title} ({ext})'.format( title=escape(other_upload.title), ext=other_upload.extension ) return div_el else: return 'INVALID FILE: ' + slug # For embedding two images side by side. DOUBLE_EMBED_RE = r'\[img2:([a-z0-9-]+) ([a-z0-9-]+)\]' class DoubleEmbedPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern): def handleMatch(self, m): slug_1 = self.unescape( slug_2 = self.unescape( image_1 = uploads.models.ImageUpload.objects.filter(slug=slug_1).first() image_2 = uploads.models.ImageUpload.objects.filter(slug=slug_2).first() if image_1 and image_2: div_el = markdown.util.etree.Element('div') div_el.set('class' , 'uploaded-images') image_el_1 = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(div_el, 'img') image_el_1.set('src', image_1.file.url) image_el_2 = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(div_el, 'img') image_el_2.set('src', image_2.file.url) return div_el else: invalid_slugs = [] if not image_1: invalid_slugs.append(slug_1) if not image_2: invalid_slugs.append(slug_2) return 'INVALID FILE: ' + ', '.join(invalid_slugs) # For embedding 2+ images side by side. Will eventually supersede Double IMAGE_EMBED_RE = r'\[images:([a-z0-9- ]+)\]' class ImageEmbedPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern): def handleMatch(self, m): div_el = markdown.util.etree.Element('div') div_el.set('class' , 'uploaded-image') slugs = self.unescape( for slug in slugs: image = uploads.models.ImageUpload.objects.filter(slug=slug).first() # Might want to do this asynchronously to catch all the invalids if not image: return 'INVALID FILE: {}'.format(image) image_el = markdown.util.etree.SubElement(div_el, 'img') image_el.set('src', image.file.url) return div_el class EmbedExtension(markdown.Extension): def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals): md.inlinePatterns['embed'] = EmbedPattern(EMBED_RE, md) md.inlinePatterns['double_embed'] = DoubleEmbedPattern(DOUBLE_EMBED_RE, md) md.inlinePatterns['image_embed'] = ImageEmbedPattern(IMAGE_EMBED_RE, md) def makeExtension(*args, **kwargs): return EmbedExtension(*args, **kwargs)