import datetime import socket from fabric.api import * env.use_ssh_config = True env.host_string = 'nfb' def re(): local('sudo systemctl restart gunicorn') def up(): local('django/ runserver') def static(): local('django/ collectstatic --noinput') def md(): local('django/ cms_remarkdown') local('django/ journal_remarkdown') def get_backup_filename(hostname): return 'backups/{}_{}.json'.format( hostname,'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M') ) BACKUP_COMMAND = 'django/ dumpdata cms journal blog uploads > ' def backup(): """Does a local database dump. Returns the filename.""" local_filename = get_backup_filename(hostname=socket.gethostname()) local(BACKUP_COMMAND + local_filename) return local_filename def backup_remote(): """Does a remote database dump and scps the file. Returns the filename.""" remote_filename = get_backup_filename(hostname=env.host_string) print("Remote filename: " + remote_filename) with cd('notes-from-below'): run('source env/bin/activate && ' + BACKUP_COMMAND + remote_filename) # scp the remote backup file to local. get(remote_filename, remote_filename) return remote_filename def confirm_local(): if socket.gethostname() == env.host_string: abort("You're on the remote machine (run this locally)") # ONLY RUN THIS LOCALLY. Imports the remote database dump. def imp(): confirm_local() # First, backup locally. backup() # Then backup remotely & download the file. remote_filename = backup_remote() # Then run loaddata. local('django/ loaddata ' + remote_filename) # rsync with the remote media dir. local('rsync -Prz %s:notes-from-below/media/ media/' % env.host_string) def import_media(): with cd('notes-from-below'): run('tar czvf media.tar.gz media/') get('media.tar.gz', 'media.tar.gz') # ONLY RUN THIS LOCALLY. Exports the local database dump. def exp(): confirm_local() # First, backup remotely & download the file. backup_remote() # Then backup locally. local_filename = backup() # Move the local dump over to remote. put(local_filename, 'notes-from-below/backups') # Sync the media directories. #local('tar czvf media.tar.gz media/*') #put('media.tar.gz', 'notes-from-below/media.tar.gz') # rsync with the remote media dir. local('rsync -Prz media/ %s:notes-from-below/media/' % env.host_string) with cd('notes-from-below'): #run('tar xvzf media.tar.gz') # Then run loaddata. run('source env/bin/activate && django/ loaddata ' + local_filename) def deploy(): confirm_local() local('git push') with cd('notes-from-below'): run('git pull') sudo('systemctl restart gunicorn') def migrate(): local('django/ makemigrations') local('django/ migrate')