#!/usr/bin/env python3 """CLI wrapper for running QMK commands. """ import os import sys from pathlib import Path # Add the QMK python libs to our path script_dir = Path(os.path.realpath(__file__)).parent qmk_dir = script_dir.parent python_lib_dir = Path(qmk_dir / 'lib' / 'python').resolve() sys.path.append(str(python_lib_dir)) # Setup the CLI import milc # noqa milc.EMOJI_LOGLEVELS['INFO'] = '{fg_blue}Ψ{style_reset_all}' @milc.cli.entrypoint('QMK Helper Script') def qmk_main(cli): """The function that gets run when no subcommand is provided. """ cli.print_help() def main(): """Setup our environment and then call the CLI entrypoint. """ # Change to the root of our checkout os.environ['ORIG_CWD'] = os.getcwd() os.chdir(qmk_dir) # Import the subcommands import qmk.cli # noqa # Execute return_code = milc.cli() if return_code is False: exit(1) elif return_code is not True and isinstance(return_code, int): if return_code < 0 or return_code > 255: milc.cli.log.error('Invalid return_code: %d', return_code) exit(255) exit(return_code) exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()