from functools import reduce import re strings = [] number_of_strings = -1 def top_level_split(s): """ Split `s` by top-level commas only. Commas within parentheses are ignored. """ # Parse the string tracking whether the current character is within # parentheses. balance = 0 parts = [] part = "" for i in range(len(s)): c = s[i] part += c if c == '(': balance += 1 elif c == ')': balance -= 1 elif c == ',' and balance == 0 and not s[i+1] == ',': part = part[:-1].strip() parts.append(part) part = "" # Capture last part if len(part): parts.append(part.strip()) return parts def new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, has_counter, value1, value2, function, output_buffer, index): counter_link = "NULL" output_buffer += "uint8_t state_" + str(index) + " = IDLE;\n" if has_counter: output_buffer += "uint8_t counter_" + str(index) + " = 0;\n" counter_link = "&counter_" + str(index) output_buffer += "const struct Chord chord_" + str(index) + " PROGMEM = {" + keycodes_hash + ", " + on_pseudolayer + ", &state_" + str(index) + ", " + counter_link + ", " + str(value1) + ", " + str(value2) + ", " + function + "};\n" index += 1 return [output_buffer, index] def KC(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, keycode, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, keycode, 0, "single_dance", output_buffer, index) def AS(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, keycode, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, True, keycode, 0, "autoshift_dance", output_buffer, index) def AT(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, 0, 0, "autoshift_toggle", output_buffer, index) def KL(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, keycode, to_pseudolayer, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, True, keycode, to_pseudolayer, "key_layer_dance", output_buffer, index) def KK(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, keycode1, keycode2, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, True, keycode1, keycode2, "key_key_dance", output_buffer, index) def KM(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, keycode, to_pseudolayer, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, keycode, to_pseudolayer, "key_mod_dance", output_buffer, index) def MO(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, to_pseudolayer, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, to_pseudolayer, 0, "temp_pseudolayer", output_buffer, index) def MO_alt(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, from_pseudolayer, to_pseudolayer, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, to_pseudolayer, from_pseudolayer, "temp_pseudolayer_alt", output_buffer, index) def LOCK(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, 0, 0, "lock", output_buffer, index) def DF(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, to_pseudolayer, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, to_pseudolayer, 0, "perm_pseudolayer", output_buffer, index) def TO(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, to_pseudolayer, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, to_pseudolayer, 0, "switch_layer", output_buffer, index) def OSK(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, keycode, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, keycode, 0, "one_shot_key", output_buffer, index) def OSL(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, to_pseudolayer, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, to_pseudolayer, 0, "one_shot_layer", output_buffer, index) def CMD(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, 0, 0, "command", output_buffer, index) def DM_RECORD(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, 0, 0, "dynamic_macro_record", output_buffer, index) def DM_NEXT(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, 0, 0, "dynamic_macro_next", output_buffer, index) def DM_END(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, 0, 0, "dynamic_macro_end", output_buffer, index) def DM_PLAY(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, 0, 0, "dynamic_macro_play", output_buffer, index) def LEAD(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, 0, 0, "leader", output_buffer, index) def CLEAR(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, 0, 0, "clear", output_buffer, index) def RESET(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, 0, 0, "reset", output_buffer, index) def STR(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, string_input, output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings): [a, b] = new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, False, number_of_strings, 0, "string_in", output_buffer, index) return [a, b, number_of_strings + 1, strings + [string_input]] def M(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, value1, value2, fnc, output_buffer, index): return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, True, value1, value2, fnc, output_buffer, index) def expand_keycode_fnc(DEFINITION): if DEFINITION == "`": DEFINITION = "GRAVE" elif DEFINITION == "-": DEFINITION = "MINUS" elif DEFINITION == "=": DEFINITION = "EQUAL" elif DEFINITION == "[": DEFINITION = "LBRACKET" elif DEFINITION == "]": DEFINITION = "RBRACKET" elif DEFINITION == "\\": DEFINITION = "BSLASH" elif DEFINITION == ";": DEFINITION = "SCOLON" elif DEFINITION == "'": DEFINITION = "QUOTE" elif DEFINITION == ",": DEFINITION = "COMMA" elif DEFINITION == ".": DEFINITION = "DOT" elif DEFINITION == "/": DEFINITION = "SLASH" elif DEFINITION == "~": DEFINITION = "TILDE" elif DEFINITION == "*": DEFINITION = "ASTERISK" elif DEFINITION == "+": DEFINITION = "PLUS" elif DEFINITION == "(": DEFINITION = "LEFT_PAREN" elif DEFINITION == ")": DEFINITION = "RIGHT_PAREN" elif DEFINITION == "<": DEFINITION = "LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET" elif DEFINITION == ">": DEFINITION = "RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET" elif DEFINITION == "{": DEFINITION = "LEFT_CURLY_BRACE" elif DEFINITION == "}": DEFINITION = "RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE" elif DEFINITION == "?": DEFINITION = "QUESTION" elif DEFINITION == "~": DEFINITION = "TILDE" elif DEFINITION == ":": DEFINITION = "COLON" elif DEFINITION == "_": DEFINITION = "UNDERSCORE" elif DEFINITION == '"': DEFINITION = "DOUBLE_QUOTE" elif DEFINITION == "@": DEFINITION = "AT" elif DEFINITION == "#": DEFINITION = "HASH" elif DEFINITION == "$": DEFINITION = "DOLLAR" elif DEFINITION == "!": DEFINITION = "EXCLAIM" elif DEFINITION == "%": DEFINITION = "PERCENT" elif DEFINITION == "^": DEFINITION = "CIRCUMFLEX" elif DEFINITION == "&": DEFINITION = "AMPERSAND" elif DEFINITION == "|": DEFINITION = "PIPE" if DEFINITION in [ "A", "a", "B", "b", "C", "c", "D", "d", "E", "e", "F", "f", "G", "g", "H", "h", "I", "i", "J", "j", "K", "k", "L", "l", "M", "m", "N", "n", "O", "o", "P", "p", "Q", "q", "R", "r", "S", "s", "T", "t", "U", "u", "V", "v", "W", "w", "X", "x", "Y", "y", "Z", "z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F13", "F14", "F15", "F16", "F17", "F18", "F19", "F20", "F21", "F22", "F23", "F24", "ENTER", "ENT", "ESCAPE", "ESC", "BSPACE", "BSPC", "TAB", "SPACE", "SPC", "NONUS_HASH", "NUHS", "NONUS_BSLASH", "NUBS", "COMMA", "COMM", "DOT", "SLASH", "SLSH", "TILDE", "TILD", "EXCLAIM", "EXLM", "AT", "HASH", "DOLLAR", "DLR", "PERCENT", "PERC", "CIRCUMFLEX", "CIRC", "AMPERSAND", "AMPR", "ASTERISK", "ASTR", "LEFT_PAREN", "LPRN", "RIGHT_PAREN", "RPRN", "UNDERSCORE", "UNDS", "PLUS", "LEFT_CURLY_BRACE", "LCBR", "RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE", "RCBR", "PIPE", "COLON", "COLN", "DOUBLE_QUOTE", "DQUO", "DQT", "LEFT_ANGLE_BRACKET", "LABK", "LT", "RIGHT_ANGLE_BRACKET", "RABK", "GT", "QUESTION", "QUES", "SCOLON", "SCLN", "QUOTE", "QUOT", "LBRACKET", "LBRC", "RBRACKET", "RBRC", "BSLASH", "BSLS", "MINUS", "MINS", "EQUAL", "EQL", "GRAVE", "GRV", "ZKHK", "CAPSLOCK", "CLCK", "CAPS", "SCROLLOCK", "SLCK", "BRMD", "NUMLOCK", "NLCK", "LOCKING_CAPS", "LCAP", "LOCKING_NUM", "LNUM", "LOCKING_SCROLL", "LSCR", "LCTRL", "LCTL", "LSHIFT", "LSFT", "LALT", "LGUI", "LCMD", "LWIN", "RCTRL", "RCTL", "RSHIFT", "RSFT", "RALT", "RGUI", "RCMD", "RWIN", "INT1", "RO", "INT2", "KANA", "INT3", "JYEN", "INT4", "HENK", "INT5", "MHEN", "INT6", "INT7", "INT8", "INT9", "LANG1", "HAEN", "LANG2", "HANJ", "LANG3", "LANG4", "LANG5", "LANG6", "LANG7", "LANG8", "LANG9", "PSCREEN", "PSCR", "PAUSE", "PAUS", "BRK", "BRMU", "INSERT", "INS", "HOME", "PGUP", "DELETE", "DEL", "END", "PGDOWN", "PGDN", "RIGHT", "RGHT", "LEFT", "DOWN", "UP", "APPLICATION", "APP", "POWER", "EXECUTE", "EXEC", "HELP", "MENU", "SELECT", "SLCT", "STOP", "AGAIN", "AGIN", "UNDO", "CUT", "COPY", "PASTE", "PSTE", "FIND", "MUTE", "VOLUP", "VOLDOWN", "ALT_ERASE", "ERAS", "SYSREQ", "CANCEL", "CLEAR", "CLR", "PRIOR", "RETURN", "SEPARATOR", "OUT", "OPER", "CLEAR_AGAIN", "CRSEL", "EXSEL", "SYSTEM_POWER", "PWR", "SYSTEM_SLEEP", "SLEP", "SYSTEM_WAKE", "WAKE", "AUDIO_MUTE", "MUTE", "AUDIO_VOL_UP", "VOLU", "AUDIO_VOL_DOWN", "VOLD", "MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK", "MNXT", "MEDIA_PREV_TRACK", "MPRV", "CPRV", "MEDIA_STOP", "MSTP", "MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE", "MPLY", "MEDIA_SELECT", "MSEL", "MEDIA_EJECT", "EJCT", "MAIL", "CALCULATOR", "CALC", "MY_COMPUTER", "MYCM", "WWW_SEARCH", "WSCH", "WWW_HOME", "WHOM", "WWW_BACK", "WBAK", "WWW_FORWARD", "WFWD", "WWW_STOP", "WSTP", "WWW_REFRESH", "WREF", "WWW_FAVORITES", "WFAV", "MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD", "MFFD", "MEDIA_REWIND", "MRWD", "BRIGHTNESS_UP", "BRIU", "BRIGHTNESS_DOWN", "BRID", "KP_SLASH", "PSLS", "KP_ASTERISK", "PAST", "KP_MINUS", "PMNS", "KP_PLUS", "PPLS", "KP_ENTER", "PENT", "KP_1", "P1", "KP_2", "P2", "KP_3", "P3", "KP_4", "P4", "KP_5", "P5", "KP_6", "P6", "KP_7", "P7", "KP_8", "P8", "KP_9", "P9", "KP_0", "P0", "KP_DOT", "PDOT", "KP_EQUAL", "PEQL", "KP_COMMA", "PCMM", "MS_BTN1", "BTN1", "MS_BTN2", "BTN2", "MS_BTN3", "BTN3", "MS_BTN4", "BTN4", "MS_BTN5", "BTN5", "MS_BTN6", "BTN6", "MS_LEFT", "MS_L", "MS_DOWN", "MS_D", "MS_UP", "MS_U", "MS_RIGHT", "MS_R", "MS_WH_UP", "WH_U", "MS_WH_DOWN", "WH_D", "MS_WH_LEFT", "MS_WH_L", "MS_WH_RIGHT", "MS_WH_R", "KC_MS_ACCEL0", "ACL0", "KC_MS_ACCEL1", "ACL1", "KC_MS_ACCEL2", "ACL2" ]: return "KC_" + DEFINITION else: return DEFINITION def MK(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, definition, output_buffer, index): l = len(definition.split(', ')) output_buffer += "void function_" + str(index) + "(const struct Chord* self) {\n" output_buffer += " switch (*self->state) {\n" output_buffer += " case ACTIVATED:\n" for i in range(0, l): val = definition.split(',')[i].strip() code = expand_keycode_fnc(val) output_buffer += " key_in(" + code + ");\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " case DEACTIVATED:\n" for i in range(0, l): val = definition.split(',')[i].strip() code = expand_keycode_fnc(val) output_buffer += " key_out(" + code + ");\n" output_buffer += " *self->state = IDLE;\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " case RESTART:\n" for i in range(0, l): val = definition.split(',')[i].strip() code = expand_keycode_fnc(val) output_buffer += " key_out(" + code + ");\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " default:\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " };\n" output_buffer += "}\n" return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, True, 0, 0, "function_" + str(index), output_buffer, index) def D(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, DEFINITION, output_buffer, index): l = len(DEFINITION.split(',')) output_buffer += "void function_" + str(index) + "(const struct Chord* self) {\n" output_buffer += " switch (*self->state) {\n" output_buffer += " case ACTIVATED:\n" output_buffer += " *self->counter = *self->counter + 1;\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " case PRESS_FROM_ACTIVE:\n" output_buffer += " switch (*self->counter) {\n" for i in range(0, l): val = DEFINITION.split(',')[i].strip() code = expand_keycode_fnc(val) output_buffer += " case " + str(i + 1) + ":\n" output_buffer += " key_in( " + code + ");\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " default:\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " }\n" output_buffer += " *self->state = FINISHED_FROM_ACTIVE;\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " case FINISHED:\n" output_buffer += " switch (*self->counter) {\n" for i in range(0, l): val = DEFINITION.split(',')[i].strip() code = expand_keycode_fnc(val) output_buffer += " case " + str(i + 1) + ":\n" output_buffer += " tap_key( " + code + ");\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " default:\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " }\n" output_buffer += " *self->counter = 0;\n" output_buffer += " *self->state = IDLE;\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " case RESTART:\n" output_buffer += " switch (*self->counter) {\n" for i in range(0, l): val = DEFINITION.split(',')[i].strip() code = expand_keycode_fnc(val) output_buffer += " case " + str(i + 1) + ":\n" output_buffer += " key_out( " + code + ");\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " default:\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " }\n" output_buffer += " *self->counter = 0;\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " default:\n" output_buffer += " break;\n" output_buffer += " }\n" output_buffer += "}\n" return new_chord(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, True, 0, 0, "function_" + str(index), output_buffer, index) def O(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, DEFINITION, output_buffer, index): if DEFINITION[0:3] == "KC_": return OSK(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, DEFINITION, output_buffer, index) else: return OSL(on_pseudolayer, keycodes_hash, DEFINITION, output_buffer, index) def add_key(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, DEFINITION, output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings): # if "= {" + KEYCODES_HASH + ", " + PSEUDOLAYER in output_buffer: # KEYCODES_HASH = re.sub('H_', '', KEYCODES_HASH) # raise Exception("You are trying to register a chord that you already registered (" + KEYCODES_HASH + ", " + PSEUDOLAYER + ")") if DEFINITION == "": return [output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings] else: split = DEFINITION.split("(") type = split[0].strip() if len(split) == 1: if type == "LOCK": [output_buffer, index] = LOCK(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, output_buffer, index) elif type == "AT": [output_buffer, index] = AT(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, output_buffer, index) elif type == "CMD": [output_buffer, index] = CMD(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, output_buffer, index) elif type == "LEAD": [output_buffer, index] = LEAD(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, output_buffer, index) elif type == "DM_RECORD": [output_buffer, index] = DM_RECORD(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, output_buffer, index) elif type == "DM_NEXT": [output_buffer, index] = DM_NEXT(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, output_buffer, index) elif type == "DM_END": [output_buffer, index] = DM_END(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, output_buffer, index) elif type == "DM_PLAY": [output_buffer, index] = DM_PLAY(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, output_buffer, index) elif type == "CLEAR_KB": [output_buffer, index] = CLEAR(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, output_buffer, index) elif type == "RESET": [output_buffer, index] = RESET(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, output_buffer, index) else: code = expand_keycode_fnc(type) [output_buffer, index] = KC(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, code, output_buffer, index) else: val = split[1][:-1].strip() if type == "O": code = expand_keycode_fnc(val) [output_buffer, index] = O(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, code, output_buffer, index) elif type == "D": [output_buffer, index] = D(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, val, output_buffer, index) elif type == "MK": [output_buffer, index] = MK(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, val, output_buffer, index) elif type == "M": fnc = val.split(',')[0].strip() val1 = val.split(',')[1].strip() val2 = val.split(',')[2].strip() [output_buffer, index] = M(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, val1, val2, fnc, output_buffer, index) elif type == "KK": val1 = val.split(',')[0].strip() code1 = expand_keycode_fnc(val1) val2 = val.split(',')[1].strip() code2 = expand_keycode_fnc(val2) [output_buffer, index] = KK(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, code1, code2, output_buffer, index) elif type == "KL": val1 = val.split(',')[0].strip() code1 = expand_keycode_fnc(val1) val2 = val.split(',')[1].strip() [output_buffer, index] = KL(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, code1, val2, output_buffer, index) elif type == "KM": val1 = val.split(',')[0].strip() code1 = expand_keycode_fnc(val1) val2 = val.split(',')[1].strip() code2 = expand_keycode_fnc(val2) [output_buffer, index] = KM(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, code1, code2, output_buffer, index) elif type == "AS": code = expand_keycode_fnc(val) [output_buffer, index] = AS(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, code, output_buffer, index) elif type == "MO": if not ',' in val: [output_buffer, index] = MO(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, val, output_buffer, index) else: val1 = val.split(',')[0].strip() val2 = val.split(',')[1].strip() [output_buffer, index] = MO_alt(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, val1, val2, output_buffer, index) elif type == "DF": [output_buffer, index] = DF(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, val, output_buffer, index) elif type == "TO": [output_buffer, index] = TO(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, val, output_buffer, index) elif type == "STR": [output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings] = STR(PSEUDOLAYER, KEYCODES_HASH, val, output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings) return [output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings] def add_leader_combo(DEFINITION, FUNCTION): return list_of_leader_combos.append([DEFINITION, FUNCTION]) def add_chord_set(PSEUDOLAYER, INPUT_STRING, TYPE, data, output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings): chord_set = {} for set in data["chord_sets"]: if set["name"] == TYPE: chord_set = set["chords"] break separated_string = top_level_split(INPUT_STRING) for word, chord in zip(separated_string, chord_set): chord_hash = reduce((lambda x, y: str(x) + " + " + str(y)), ["H_" + key for key in chord]) [output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings] = add_key(PSEUDOLAYER, chord_hash, word, output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings) return [output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings] def add_dictionary(PSEUDOLAYER, keycodes, array, output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings): for chord in array: hash = "" for word, key in zip(chord[:-1], keycodes): if word == "X": hash = hash + " + H_" + key hash = hash[3:] if hash != "": [output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings] = add_key(PSEUDOLAYER, hash, chord[-1], output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings) return [output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings] def secret_chord(PSEUDOLAYER, ACTION, INPUT_STRING, data, output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings): separated_string = top_level_split(INPUT_STRING) hash = "" for word, key in zip(separated_string, data["keys"]): if word == "X": hash = hash + " + H_" + key hash = hash[3:] if hash != "": return add_key(PSEUDOLAYER, hash, ACTION, output_buffer, index, number_of_strings, strings)