#pragma once #include "quantum.h" enum userspace_layers { _QWERTY, _LOWER, //symbols _RAISE, //numbers _ADJUST, //system _NUMPAD, _FN, _MOUSE }; enum userspace_custom_keycodes { QWERTY = SAFE_RANGE, // custom keycodes for an Italian ANSI layout with accented vowels IT_CMLS, // IT_COMM and IT_LESS when combined with shift IT_DTMR, // IT_DOT and IT_MORE when combined with shift IT_SLQS, // IT_SLSH and IT_QST when combined with shift IT_APDQ, // IT_APO and IT_DQOT when combined with shift IT_SCCL, // IT_SMCL and IT_COLN when combined with shift SECRET0, SECRET1, SECRET2, SECRET3, SECRET4, SECRET5, NEW_SAFE_RANGE // start new keyboard-level declarations with NEW_SAFE_RANGE }; // Defining Layer Keycodes #define QWERTY DF(_QWERTY) // For LOWER and RAISE I use TT instead of MO to be able to lock those layer tapping three times the key (TAPPING_TOGGLE 3 has been added in sigul.h) #define LOWER TT(_LOWER) #define RAISE TT(_RAISE) #define NUMPAD TG(_NUMPAD) #define FN MO(_FN) #define TABFN LT(_FN, KC_TAB) #define ESCFN LT(_FN, KC_ESC) #define MS_B LT(_MOUSE, IT_B)