# narze's layout ## Notes - SuperDuper mode for Ergodox is still under development, since combo keys does not work very well on Ergodox firmware. Now it is using multiple layers as a workaround. Actual implementation using combos are on my Planck layout. ## Key features - Qwerty + [Colemak](https://colemak.com) layouts, and you can type Qwerty on software-level Colemak as well. Very useful for gaming or when your friend wanna type something but don't use Colemak. - [(S)uper (D)uper Mode](/users/narze/readme.md) - Mouse keys with Z ## Build instructions If your environment is ready to build with `make`, don't use docker since it takes 5m+ to compile. Use the instructions in Ergodox Infinity's readme. #### Left side (Docker) ``` cd /path/to/qmk_firmware util/docker_build.sh ergodox_infinity:narze avr-objcopy -Iihex -Obinary .build/ergodox_infinity_narze.hex .build/ergodox_infinity_narze_left.bin dfu-util --device 1c11:b007 -D .build/ergodox_infinity_narze_left.bin ``` #### Right side (Docker) You have to override `usb_args` in order to pass `MASTER=right` to docker using provided build script. ``` cd /path/to/qmk_firmware usb_args="-e MASTER=right" util/docker_build.sh ergodox_infinity:narze avr-objcopy -Iihex -Obinary .build/ergodox_infinity_narze.hex .build/ergodox_infinity_narze_right.bin dfu-util --device 1c11:b007 -D .build/ergodox_infinity_narze_right.bin ```