# narze's layout ## Key features - Qwerty + [Colemak](https://colemak.com) layouts, and you can type Qwerty on software-level Colemak as well. Very useful for gaming or when your friend wanna type something but don't use Colemak. - [(S)uper (D)uper Mode](/users/narze/readme.md) - Mouse keys with Z ## Build instructions - `cd /path/to/qmk_firmware` - Ensure latest libraries are loaded `make git-submodule` - Build with docker - Planck Rev. 4 : `util/docker_build.sh planck/rev4:narze` - Planck Light : `util/docker_build.sh planck/light:narze` - Flash hex file - Using dfu-programmer `dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase --force && dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash .build/planck_rev4_narze.hex` - For Planck Light change the target microcontroller `dfu-programmer at90usb1286 erase --force && dfu-programmer at90usb1286 flash .build/planck_light_narze.hex` - Use [QMK Toolbox](https://github.com/qmk/qmk_toolbox/releases)