# Michael Stapelberg’s keymap for the Kinesis Advantage I adjust the thumb block mapping slightly to have a standard set of modifiers (Control, Alt, GUI/Windows, Right Alt) and Escape available conveniently. Specifically, my keymap makes the following changes: * Left thumb block: * Swap `Delete` with `Escape` (top left), from my Vim days :) * The `Home` key on the left thumb block is replaced by `Left GUI/Windows`. * Right thumb block: * The top left key on the right thumb block produces `Right Alt`. ## Corresponding Kinesis configuration My keymap corresponds to the following Kinesis configuration tool settings: ``` [escape]>[delete] [rwin]>[ralt] [delete]>[escape] [home]>[lwin] [intl-\]>[kp-insert] ``` Note: the last line makes the international key (labeled `|`, `\` and `Insert`) produce `Insert`, which is default with QMK, but not default Kinesis.